
CTVN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #6

Aerius. You can't leave without cuddles, but you also can't leave covered in hair. With Bounce Pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. Bounce. It's the sheet. -Having triplets is...amazing. -expensive. So, we switched to the bargain detergent, but we ended up using three times as much and the clothes still weren't as clean as with Tide. So we're back to Tide, and the clothes are clean again. Do three times the laundry and get a Tide clean. ( ) That's a dq Chicken Strip Basket! Oh look at those tasty dq chicken strips. And fries! Plus all the dips! Oh let's order one, right now! Dq. Happy Tastes Good. Canada has one of the best backyards in the world. Don't let allergies prevent you from breathing it all in. (Sneeze, birds squawking) Get relief fast. Reactine acts fast to relieve allergy symptoms and lasts 24 hours. We know you care. But if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. Make the call. Because we care too. Home Instead. To us, it's personal. (Dramatic music) I am Paul Atreides! Duke of Arrakis! Let me fight beside you. I'll show you the way. (Dramatic music) (Cheering) Male Announcer: Mary's brightening up daytime with good friends and good times. Give me a high five! Do you love it? Oh my gosh, I love this. Announcer: The Good Stuff with Mary Berg, weekdays on ctv. >> Heather: the science behind sound is evolving. White noise has long been the go-to for drowning out distractions, and now there is a lesser-known colour cousin proven to be easier on your ears and perhaps better for your brain. Ctv's allison bamford explains. >> Reporter: a common sleep tactic. Thousands using the soothing sounds of static, or white noise, to drown out everything else. >> Most of these applications and programs and devices use continuous sounds. Which are helpful to mask external noises and allow people to sleep better by not being disturbed by other sounds around them. >> Reporter: there's actually a rainbow of sounds that can impact sleep and concentration. Green noise, brown noise, and the latest colour to make waves, pink. >> Sound is made up of waves, much like light. On lower wavelengths, we have more red frequency. Higher wavelengths, we have more bluish and violet frequencies. >> Reporter: the science is new, but research suggests different colours can treat different symptoms. White noise has been used to alleviate a ringing in your ears. And a study out of portland shows both white and pink noise could benefit people with adhd. >> These are slow waves. >> Reporter: a this university campus, more research is underway, specifically looking at the perks of pink. Pink noise frequencies mirror a person's brain waves when they are in a certain type of deep sleep. And if you hear the sound at the right time, you could see a boost in relaxation and even memory. >> We give short pulses of pink noise at specific times during the slow waves. >> Reporter: one of a few small studies that could eventually change the way we use sound in a big way. Allison bamford, ctv news, regina. >> Heather: after the break, a nostalgic discovery. >> Super old. Before me. Come on, what are the chances. >> Heather: a wallet once thought to be lost to the waves of time. If you think EVs have about as much personality as a toaster, we don't blame you. That's why we didn't make just any EVs. We made an ev so powerful, it can charge another ev. ( ) And an ev with a mode that does this. ( ) The only ev that's a Mustang. The only ev that's an f150. ( ) (Blowing) (Blowing) (Bright upbeat music) (Crunching) Hm-hmm. (Laughing) (Growling) (Cutlery clinking)

McCain. Make it a fry day. I have a secret. With new Secret Clinically Proven Aluminum Free deodorant, you can almost miss the bus... But smell like you didn't. Secret helps stop odor before it starts. Smell fresh for up to 72 hours. Secret works. With fastsigns, create factory grade visual solutions to perfect your process. Fastsigns. Make Your Statement™. At Pet Valu, we treat your pet like our pet. Well, Georgie, it's time for adult food. And there's a lot of great options to choo... too choose from. They grow up so fast. I know... I do this like ten times a day. Welcome to the Wayborhood. With Wayfair, finding your style is fun. [ music playing ] Yes! When the music stops grab any chair, it doesn't matter if it's your outdoor style or not. [ music stops ] I'm sorry, Carl. This is me in chair form. I don't see you. -Oh, come on. This one's perfect for you. But you. Love it. I told you we should have done a piñata. I explained it so many times. Um-hum. They're not sitting. -And it rocks... You need to sit down. Wayfair. Every style. Every home. >> Heather: we leave you tonight with a story about a find that's worth its salt. A british columbia man united with an unlikely time capsule once thought to be lost to the sea. >> Reporter: nick will never forget that die at the pier things did not go according to plan. >> I decided I'm going to hop over. >> Reporter: to try fishing off those rocks instead, which proved precarious with all his gear. So nick decided to lighten his load. >> And picked what I thought was the perfect spot to put my wallet down to go fishing and come back and grab it on my way back. >> Reporter: but on his way out, not only did he catch no fish, there was no sign of his wallet. >> I had everything in there. Everything that was me was in that wallet. >> Reporter: a seeing as this was back in 1991, nick couldn't just go online to replace it all. So nick tried not to think about it over the next 33 years. Until this 14-year-old was fishing off the same break water. A friend asked him to help look for something he dropped in the rocks, and jamie uncovered an old wallet instead. >> It was crusty and super hard. I was super surprised. >> Reporter: not only did it contain id that expired in the previous century, there were old-fashioned video store cards as well. >> Super old. Before me. Come on, what are the chances? >> Reporter: jamie's dad started searching for the owner online before finding a lead and sending a message. Which nick thought was a scam at first. >> I don't even know if I want to be touching my phone right now. >> Reporter: until he was sent a picture of his younger self smiling back at him. Bill immediately drove to the nearby town where nick was living. >> I just saw it as a nice gesture. >> Reporter: and reunited nick with what's been transformed into a time machine of sorts. >> Remembering how I thought and saw things. >> Reporter: which is why, despite being very thankful that jamie and bill went to the effort to return his old things, nick is even more grateful to be forming new friendships. >> Something like this can reconnect you and build new connections to people in the community. >> Reporter: adam sawatsky, ctv news, comox. >> Heather: that is our newscast for this sunday night. I'm heather butts. For all of us here at "ctv national news", thank you for watching. I'll see you again on friday. Goodnight. >> Announcer: to find a food star gordon faces his biggest rival ever. Who wants to be on team Vanderpump? It's team lisa vs team gordon She can Vanderpump off.

We're done on ctv [ ] >> Unfortunately I wish they didn't have the capability and one of the reasons why netanyahu continuing the specific effort. >> Marcia: israeli airstrikes killed dozens in rafah in response to the hamas rockets fired at tel aviv. >> Asked that they take our demands seriously. >> Marcia: pro- palestinian protesters at the university of toronto digging in despite the university deadline it to up by monday morning. >> I am going to greece going to visit some family. So the tickets were not that bad for me. >> Marcia: tough economic times not stopping canadians from taking time off for a vacation but destinations may surprise you. >> Marcia: hello and thank you for being with us. We begin at new concerns about an escalation in the war between israel and hamas as rockets were fired in tel aviv for the first time and months and israel struck a camp inside rafah. Ctv's jeremie charron has the latest. >> Reporter: a barrage of hamas rockets fired at tel aviv today many intercepted. But not before sounding the sirens in the israeli city sending many running for cover. Israel's military said eight rockets were fired and no reports of casualties. This 84-year-old woman to says shrapnel came crashing through the roof of her home just north of tel aviv. [ Speaking Alternate Language ] >> Reporter: suddenly a huge boom and smoke fire and dust all over the house she says and how moss has claimed responsibility to what appears to be the first long-range rocket attack from gaza since january. >> Hamas wants to demonstrate that they have not been crippled's and they still have both weapons and the ability to use them. >> Reporter: comes as israeli forces fired off the hamas resurgent and northern parts of the enclave and continue their operation in rafah against court orders and mounting political pressures. [ Speaking Alternate Language ] >> Voice of Interpreter: our goal in gaza emphasized in rafah [ End of Interpretation ] and destroy hamas and return the hostages and maintain freedom of operation, he says. Meanwhile, eight trucks crossed into gaza from southern israel thinks a new agreement to bypass the rafah crossing which closed earlier this month when israeli forces took control of the palestinian side but still humanitarian organization say there's not enough access points. >> We have problems with the amount of aid coming in. >> Reporter: today's attack of hamas a show of resilience seven months into this war and has some questioning whether israel's goal of fully eliminating hamas can be achieved. Jeremie charron caq ctv news, ottawa. >> Marcia: joining me now to discuss the most recent developments as retired special commander and good evening and thanks are much for joining us on this memorial day weekend. >> Thank you and it's good to be with you. >> Marcia: after seven months of war and massive destruction in gaza, are you surprised hamas has the capability to launch rockets into israel? >> Not exactly as you look at the entire area from gaza all the way down into rafah there is about 600 tunnel supposedly underneath rafah one of the ways hamas carry out these attacks over the years where they move weapons through sold this happened probably three weeks ago with loss -- launches from rafah and believe that's the same thing that happened here so unfortunately I wish they did not have the capability and one of the reasons why benjamin netanyahu is continuing this effort. >> Marcia: where were the rockets have come from? >> Most of their weapons training has come from around -- has from -- has come from iran also to piece a lot of systems themselves but most of that stuff has come in from iran as we see that so that's the interesting part that they been able to stockpile a significant amount of weapons keeping them in the tunnels and other areas

and one of the things catastrophic for israel and fortunately the iron dome has protected them and israel has geared up. >> Marcia: why now and why tel aviv? >> They have not seen attacks in months and it depends on where the location is as some of these rockets don't have a big range capability and unguided so they point them in the direction and hope they will hit a target so right now is still showing hamas has the capability to launch against israel as their whole objective is to destroy israel and netanyahu is not pulling back and trying to prosecute this and hard to focus over this time that hamas is the true enemy of this but so much collateral damage and destruction that it's hard to separate israel against hamas and looks like it's against the palestinian people. >> Marcia: israel struck a camp for displaced people in rafah and do you see that as retaliation and how do you expect israel to respond? Directly to these rockets fired in tel aviv? >> I do believe so when there was an attack in israel it was from rafah one of the initial strikes israel did was to take out those particular areas and the most difficult part is any type of system they use that is not on the ground if it's a drone or a fighter dropping bombs but the collateral damage fairly large explosive devices so even though you maybe taking a weapons the collateral damage in such adensely populated area causing a lot of this harm and hamas is always using civilians as human shields and that's been their tenant since the beginning and the difficult part. >> Marcia: how will this effect stalled cease-fire talks reported to resume this week? >> Tuesday step up and do this again in cairo and you look with the situation has been that they are polarized where they were all the hostages released and hamas is saying they want israel completely pulled out of gaza and cease the war so when idf is saying we will stop this when hamas is destroyed they may have no ability to attack israel and we have seen they do and that is not going to happen unless hamas disintegrates. Hamas wants israel to pull out so who will pay first what the mediation will be? It's hard to see but would be great to see all the hostages released and take a fight out of israel and an incredible amount of international pressure to state do not prosecute rafah as you have the hostages back. >> Marcia: retired air force commander, thanks again and nice to see you. >> Marcia: two people

>>> Here at home, deadline tick clear policy in an encampment approaching and students want to see a framework for students to divest and disclose its ties to israel while the school want students to put an end to their encampment on university grounds. Ctv's sean leathong reports. >> Reporter: heading back to the bargaining table, protesters presented a counteroffer. >> We the students are steadfast in our demands for divestment, disclosure and cutting ties with israeli academic institutions. >> Reporter: after rejecting an offer late last week, they say -- the counter offer demand the university divest from those that provide direct or indirect military aid to israel and university disclose all publicly traded investments and suspend ties with the two universities in israel and also asking for commitments the university will not punished offer students for engaging in the protest. >> Our offer is fair and reasonable. >> Reporter: on university perv -- created an advisory committee and a working group to consider options for disclosure and a hard no on severing ties to academic institutions giving protesters 24 hours to consider and protesters say the offer and tend to slow without offering any commitments. >> Process flow, bureaucratic and archaic and reject pulling a game that will go nowhere in right now president could come up to the mic and say I commit to this and it happen. >> Reporter: points to a 2021 decision saying they will divest from fossil fuel companies in friday afternoon, protesters received a letter after rejecting universities offer that the notice stipulated a protesters and not leave by monday at 8:00 am, taking all necessary steps including seeking an order from the superior court of justice. >> Open to negotiation so taken them at their word. >> Reporter: on the go she uses -- negotiations continue, a chance for resolution preparing for defence. >> Are lawyers tell us highly unlikely it will go through and preparing a strong case to move forward but we will have to wait and see. >> Reporter: as both sides looked towards the 25th day of the encampment. Sean leathong caq ctv news. >> Marcia: thousands of people forced to flee their homes because of a wild fire burning out of control near fort nelson bc will be allowed to return on monday. >> They can start make decisions and come back at 8:00 tomorrow as the roadblocks will come down so we will be putting on an evacuation alert because there are still some fires on their and conditions around the region extremely dry. >> Reporter: people urge to bring a few days of groceries and essential supplies back with them and the mayor says traffic expected to be heavy. Parker lake wildfire destroyed four homes and damaged six other properties. Emergency department at fort nelson hospital will also reopen monday.

>>> To people confirmed dead after a plane went down in a remote area near bc in squamish. Police alerted with the smartphone notification but have not been able to reach the site. They are all working to develop -- investigate the cause. >>> A new study on children and screen time focuses on parents. Experts say when it comes to a child's development, parent should focus on reducing their own screen time. Researchers say parent seem to be fully engaged with their children. >> Spend more time doing one thing and less time to do something else, the less time you have to pay attention and I think many moments in parenting are golden moment and suddenly see the need to be inside your child development where they need 30 seconds of will help them get past something. >> Marcia: researchers found parents can spend up to 30 percent of their time looking at their phones while they are on the playground with their children. >>> New brunswick premiere taken to social media to denounce sex ed materials presented in at least four schools deemed as inappropriate and say the presentation not part of the curriculum and the content was not flax for parents. He says the presentation supposed to be about hpv but included several questions whether it's normal to watch porn. He says that québec-based organization will no longer present at new brunswick schools >>> As the weather improved and canadians venture out into the wilderness, a new warning for researchers about increases of lyme disease and they say cases of the disease in canada increase by more than 1000 percent in the last decade and it's not just text that canadians have to be on the lookout for as population of an exotic mosquito species could potentially carry the illness and those mosquitoes become established in some parts of ontario. Coming up, donald trump booed in washington dc last night and will tell you why the former president was heckled, next. (Snickering) Hanging tree [ ] You might not know how to fix a broken air conditioner. SFX:[phone/truck/bag/fan] But we do. "That was fast." And if you need a new one pay as little as three dollars a day and make no monthly rental payments for 6 months Call on Reliance This is what your ear looks like filled with wax. Here's a cotton swab. Watch. It just pushes the wax in. Now here's Wush, the new, safe and effective way to clean your ears. Just Wush the wax out. That's insane. The triple stream safely clears dirt and wax buildup. It feels incredible. Get 15% off and free shipping at Menopause can change your hair. I have thinning happening here, which I noticed when I was taking a selfie. Using our thickening treatment fights breakage for fuller looking hair. I feel good. So I want products that are made for where I'm at. Hair Biology. Ego, the #1 rated brand in cordless outdoor power, brings you the ego power+ string trimmer with powerload technology. Feed the line, push the button and get back to work. Find an ego retailer near you. Good. Good. Good morning. Hey. Good morning with Dulcolax ...for a gentle and fast relieve Dulcolax Soft Chews works with the water in your body... in as little as 30 minutes. Making your good morning... ...even better with Dulcolax. If you think EVs have about as much personality as a toaster, we don't blame you. That's why we didn't make just any EVs. We made an ev so powerful, it can charge another ev. ( ) And an ev with a mode that does this. ( ) The only ev that's a Mustang. The only ev that's an f150. ( ) >> Marcia: donald trump was booed repeatedly while addressing the libertarian party national convention last night in washington dc. >> Now I think you should nominate me or at least vote for me and we should win together. [ crowd booing ] [ crowd booing ]

>> Marcia: people and the crowd shouted insults and heckled the former U.S. president for his covid-19 policies, running up multiple federal deficits and lying about his political record. And as the insults continued, trump eventually hit back saying "you don't want to win." trump still asked for their votes by the end of the address and libertarians favour a small government and individual freedoms. >>> Closing arguments are set to begin tuesday in the hush money trial in new york and the prosecution and defence will wrap up their cases and up to 12 jurors to decide whether prosecutors proved trump illegally falsified records and a conviction is how the jurors interpreted the testimony including trump's former lawyer michael cohen and trump has pleaded not guilty. >> Marcia: joining me now is eric ham, ctv's political analyst. Here we are on sunday evening and good to see you. Five weeks of testimony and this case should be in the hands of the jury by wednesday. What are your thoughts right now? >> We know the jury will be deliberating over 34 different charges which means a lot of deliberation and different charges for them to find donald trump guilty on something. Is not to say they will but the possibility and chances of them doing so only rise because we see so many different counts against the ex-president now of course we don't know how this jury is leaning or what they are thinking for how the deliberations will play out or how long the process but we look at the 34 charges and just the number of witnesses and the fact the defence did not even put on a case and they ended with someone who seemed to be more abhorrent than even michael cohen himself and you don't know which way this case will go but given the fact this is an election year he is the presumptive gop nominee if he is in fact found guilty that could be very detrimental to his chances of winning back the white house. >> Marcia: that's the million-dollar question. What if trump is convicted then what? >> It becomes a scarlet letter that donald trump will have to wear between now and november and let's say he's only found guilty on one of these 34 counts the soul makes him a convective criminal and we know the presidential debates are right around the corner something donald trump will have to go into those debate with and it's not easy to actually shake that stain of being a convicted criminal and if he is and does have to deal with that than there are of course the appeals process which keeps the front of voters minds if this is someone capable of a crime. Or found guilty of a crime. >> Marcia: libertarians jeered, heckled. One holding a sign that said "no wannabe dictator" at that convention. Why would trump have accepted the invitation to go there and is this block of voters significant to him and his reelection? >> Politics 101 never actually show your opponents your weakness and donald trump showed front and centre and there was lovable of ink -- there was no level of engagement and investment with libertarians up until last night and, of course, now donald trump has to deal with the fact he was heckled all night and adding insult to injury, we now know robert community junior who spoke on friday night they actually sought to make him their nominee so where donald trump certainly failed miserably, we know one of donald trump's competitors peeling some of those votes away from him with rfk who the libertarians want to make a nominee and not a good weekend for donald trump. >> Marcia: we will leave it there and talking to you soon. Our ctv news political analyst.

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