
CKWS - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 11:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

We don't conceive of sudden, radical, irrational change as woven into the very fabric of existence. Yet, I can assure you, it most assuredly is. And it's happening now. Humans and dinosaurs are now gonna be forced to coexist. [bellows] These creatures were here before us. And if we're not careful, they're gonna be here after. [roars] [roars] We're gonna have to adjust to new threats that we can't imagine. [screeching] We've entered a new era. Welcome to Jurassic World. [yelping] [screeching] -[horns honking] -[sirens wailing] [screeching]

>> From "global kingston. This is ckws news at 11. Thorold setting off sirens. >> Israel once again under attack from hamas. The terrorist organization fires a barrage of rockets from gaza. We'll have the details in the escalation. We'll have more on that story shortly. Good evening, and thank you for joining us. I'm shallima maharaj. We begin with a unique cross country camp giving youth the opportunity to pursue a career they may not otherwise think possible. Talha hashmani rigney has more on camp marlies four day run in kingston. >> Camp maccauley is a four day training session for over two dozen young women, non-binary and two spirited youth interested in making a career in fire service. The camp program travels across the country, giving opportunities to those historically overlooked for work in the field that is mostly dominated by men. >> We try and keep track of a lot of the students that go through our program. A lot have went to on pre-service programs. We have one young lady that is currently. She did it last year and she's currently up in northern ontario fighting the forest fires hosted in partnership with the city of kingston and kingston fire and rescue, the four day camp wrapped up on sunday with a series of combat challenges and a graduation ceremony honoring the 28 participants. >> This year. >> It's exciting to see so many young women get the opportunity to try their skills and see, their true strength, through experiencing training like this, participation in the camp is free for youth between the ages of 15 and 18. >> The camp involves a number of activities ranging from learning how to prevent fires, suppressing an active fire, learning how to take a car apart and breaking down barriers and bursting through doors. >> Oh my gosh, I love it so much. Like I was so nervous to do this. And then I came and it's been like the best experience I think I've ever had in my entire life. And all we do is just keep learning new things every day. And I get to wear all this fun equipment, and it makes me feel so empowered and I love it. I think we might have a career choice already picked here. >> The camp's next stop is saskatchewan talha hashmani "global news" kingston. >> Another travelling attraction was in town this weekend, the circus kicking off its north american debut in kingston. A sold out crowd gathered for the european production of cirque de paris, consisting of artists and performers from all around the world. Crowds were treated to every manner of eye widening awe, including jugglers, dancers and acrobats. The show heads to québec. Next, the province has settled a land entitlement claim, with the mattawan first nation involving nearly $600,000 in compensation in mattawan first nation, about 70km southeast of timmins, is getting just over 5000 acres of provincial crown land. The claim dates back to 1906 and the james bay treaty, in which the first nation did not receive the amount of land it was promised. Negotiations with ontario began in 2012. In 2019, the federal government provided approximately $16 million in compensation and a provision for the first nation to seek additional compensation from the province. Time now for a first check on the weather with more on what you can anticipate. Let's bring in weather specialist norah funt. Hey, norah. >> Hey, thanks very much, shallima. Whatever plans you had today, I hope it involved being outdoors, because things are certainly been gorgeous since we woke up in the afternoon. But ever so slowly, we've been seeing cloud cover start to build from western ontario. And we know why. There is a fast moving line of thunderstorms already into michigan and ohio, and it will be at the border of ontario, namely windsor, and about 30 minutes severe thunderstorm watches for windsor, chatham into saint clair and other communities. The risk is 90 kilometer per hour. Wind gusts, toonie to nickel sized hail and of course, the heavy rain when this system rolls through. But we do anticipate that those watches will begin to move along as the system also moves along. We're already seeing the winds really pick up in windsor, about 50 k in just the past hour. Really still a tad bit, well, breezy. And many of our communities, although we expect that to change as winds pick up in the overnight gusting up to 40 to 45km an hour. We're seeing a bit of humidity in trenton, peterborough, 26 degrees with

the humidex 24 towards kingston and a bit more mild in the algonquin area. We will see the heavy rain roll in, but only until about 4 to 5 A.M. and that will be wave one. Wave two is in the lunch hour. Come tomorrow and this one carries a risk of thunderstorms. Lots of winds. We'll talk about that in the full forecast. So expect a downpour overnight tonight in peterborough 15 degrees with some winds. Come tomorrow. The risk of thunderstorms in your afternoon and evening. Your high at 21 degrees. Our friends in kingston. It will be dry for your overnight until about 5 A.M. and then the rain rolls through thunderstorms early in the morning. Also in the afternoon and evening. Your high at 20 degrees shallima. >> Thanks so much. Nor hamas fired rockets sunday into israel, a response hamas says to israel's strikes on saturday in rafah, as david akin reports, the rockets were launched even as israel opened a checkpoint between israel and gaza to allow food and fuel trucks into the palestinian enclave. >> For the first time in four months, air raid sirens sounded in tel aviv. Residents scrambled for cover. There were no reports of casualties and only minor damage, but it was a demonstration that even after seven months of fighting, hamas still has significant weapons. Hamas said it fired the rockets from the gaza strip at israel's biggest city in retaliation for the deaths of palestinian civilians caused by israeli military operations in the southern gaza city of rafah. Meanwhile, israel allowed around 200 aid trucks through the kerem shalom crossing at gaza's southeastern corner, bypassing the main rafah crossing that has been blocked for weeks. But some of the food has been waiting for so long to cross. It is beginning to rot. >> Very good to see you, prime minister. Thank you. >> And on the diplomatic front, norway's foreign minister sunday presented palestinian prime minister mohammed mustafa with papers confirming norway's recognition of the state of palestine. >> We very much look forward to upgrading our diplomatic and consular relations with the state of palestine. >> Mustafa used the opportunity to repeat calls for an end to the war. >> I think it's time to go beyond condemning actions and requesting israel to stop the war in gaza. I think we need to raise the voices a little bit more and demand a cease fire. But the rocket attacks by hamas on tel aviv have only hardened some in netanyahu's government. >> One hard line minister urging the army to hit rafah even harder. David akin "global news" ottawa. >> After the break, destructive storms, severe weather hits parts of texas, arkansas and oklahoma, ki ANNOUNCER:Who's a fake...Let's get it on. ...and who's the real deal? (Singing) I Can See Your Voice,all newSunday, June 2nd on Global. Music Shaw Insurance makes it simple. Whether you're shopping for home, car, business, rental or Whether you're shopping for home, car, business, rental or farm insurance, contact your local broker, Shaw farm insurance, contact your local broker, Shaw farm insurance, contact your local broker, Shaw Insurance, today. Insurance, today. Insurance, today. Jingle Out “Shaw Insurance, makes it simple” Jingle Out “Shaw Insurance, makes it simple” kg Here for Lennox Fence,Eastern Ontario's fencing specialists.We are the professionals for all your fencing needs. Some people just just are not do it yourselfers . Argh son of beep one call to Lennox Fence will get the job done by professionals guranteed perfect. Whatever your fencing needs residential, commercial, agriculture or industrial, call for a free estimate for spring and summer 613-354-3449 Highway 41 north at Selby, Lennox fence owned and managed by the hughson group loud chattering In this real estate market you hear a lot of noise and empty promises. Tune out the noise and work with the agent who has proven results in Kingston and surrounding areas That can only be Jason Clarke Jason can guarantee to sell your home or he'll buy it himself. Don't waste time and money on wannabes, go to and trust Jason to sell your home guaranteed. [ ] You might not know how to fix a broken air conditioner. SFX:[phone/truck/bag/fan] But we do.

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