
CKEM - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 08:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

that gave you that great time. We've got Allison Hill on hair. We've got Shobana Lakkavally, - Give them some love on makeup. - [applause] Tania Tonello on fashion. You all hit it out the park. Don't start sneaking back there. Come in your light. OK? Let's talk about her hair. My goodness. So, Tania mentioned that we were creating a look - that could end up at a party. - Yes. A wild party, sorry fiancé. - Yes. [laughs] I wanted to give her the option -- [laughs] Tracy is remembering her wild party. - Right? [laughs] Sorry, Lio. So I wanted to give her a look that if it was hot in there, or if the sun was beating down on her, it could grow with her. So we decided to go with a twist out and then we added a couple of extra clip ins to give it like, a fullness. - You did so well. - Thank you. I mean, my goodness, her hair looks phenomenal. Have you ever done a twist out that well yourself? - [snorts] No. - [laughs] And that's why Black hairstylists - will work forever. Right? - [laughs] OK, let's talk about this face. Shobana, you had a busy day today, and you knocked it out of the park. - Because she looks phenomenal. - Thank you, thank you. So, she's actually, her canvas, she's stunning, right? But she knew what she wanted. She sent me a picture. She's doing her own makeup at her wedding. - Oh, wow. Good for you. - Yes. Yes, good for you. [laughs] - 'Cause Shobana's like "I could never." And so really I was talking her through the process, Giving her some tips to make her look long-lasting. And the most important thing is you wanna use products that work for your skintone. So created with a brand called UOMA, that's new to Canada. Lots of skin tones for all complexions. Lips, she wanted a particular colour, so I worked with the Charlotte Tilbury lip cheats and lipsticks as liners, instead of the lipsticks. So the liners will make it long-lasting. And she has a beautiful beauty mark. - Beautiful beauty mark, beautiful lips. But you know what I noticed as soon as she came in here? - Her eyes. - Yes, stunning. Oh my gosh, so stunning eyes.You've got big, beautiful eyes. And then those lashes. So you did put some lashes on, right? - I did. - They are so good, Shobs. They're gorgeous. This is a strip lash. For your weddingsI would recommend a strip lash. Or like something with a little bit of mood, just in case. And these are the Tia Bhuva Bliss lashes. - Oh yes. - You know them. - I know them well. Tia Bhuva does a good lash. - Yeah, they look gorgeous. - Shobs, well done. - Thank you. - Let's talk clothing. You styled her so lovely, Tania. Like you said, maybe a little skin. Maybe a little skin. I said, a little leg, - maybe a little cleavage. - Beautiful, beautiful. So Judenne communicated that she loves pink, So I'm like "Great, I'm gonna put her "in something that she loves "and that makes her feel beautiful." This dress is from Canadian designer Hilary MacMillan. Who is size inclusive,and really knows a woman's body. And so, it just hugs her curves beautifully. And we have that ruching through the centre. And you can play with that in the front and the back. Actually, it's a good enough strap - that you can wear a bra. - Love that. So you don't have to worry about that strapless bra. Now I put on a topper, just in case. You know, I don't know what the night's gonna hold. So the topper, and the clutch, and the heels, as well as the earrings are all from Winners. And Judenne,you get to keep the entire look! [applause] - That's always the best part. OK, if you're OK, with this, I wanna bring your fiancé up here. - Can I do that? - Of course, yeah. Jesse, come on up. Jesse, come on up. Oh, there you are. - Hey! - Oh, that's so nice. He was probably like "I wanna kiss you." And you're like "Don't touch my lips." - Yes. - [laughs] I've had that eye conversation with Lio many times, I get it. It's like "Too pretty!" Alright, so you guys are gonna have a pretty amazing date night. Or you should have a pretty amazing date night. Now after your date, instead of going home, how about heading to the urban luxury resort Hotel X Toronto - for a one night stayvacation? - [cheers and applause] And, how about waking up for breakfast for two at Roses Cocina? Plus, why not have access to Hotel X's fitness facility, their rooftop pool, where you can see the whole city? - Do you think you'd enjoy that? - I mean... [all laugh] Thank you to Hotel X and all of our incredible experts. This is what you're getting. Have a great time. - Thank you. - [applause] Have so much fun. Love that. This brings us to the end of our Fashion Friday, believe it or not. What an incredible show. Thank you to all of our experts, our glam squad. Thank you to Judenne and Jesse, for letting us, you know, love on you a little bit and pamper you. Now you're ready for the wedding. Thanks to all of our viewers for watching at home. And you all in studio. Have a great weekend. - [cheers and applause] - See you Monday, everyone.

Captioned by Ai-Media [ ] >> Edmonton police are investigating two separate shootings that happened saturday evening. More on the investigations and their details. >> Thomas sending a bras -- barrage of missiles directly into israel and palestinian officials call for an end to the violence. >> It's about time to end the war. >> Reporter: mama ballasted -- why the palestinian prime ministers as a warm-up stop before it's too late for gaza to rebuild. >> They're not doing enough consultation with the people involved. >> Reporter: edmonton homelessness crisis on the table for city council while advocates say the city is not doing enough. >> Edmonton police are investigating two separate shootings that happened saturday evening. The first happened in the area of 144 at the 92nd street near a shell gas station at around 7:45 pm saturday. Eps arrived at the location where they found a man holding a weapon. The officers called for backup ultimately firing his gun, hitting the man. The life-saving measures were used on scene and the suspect remains in hospital with life-threatening injuries. Is currently being investigated but officers did find a taser at the scene. It's the second shooting happen on the other side of the city near southgate mall. And happened in the area 47th avenue and one '08 eighth street by an apartment complex near southgate mall. Police say officers responded to multiple gunshots in the park came in the area. Police found a man who had been shot. Ems transported the man to hospital with serious but nonlife-threatening injuries. Earlier in may, police released the 2023 year and crime stats that show overall crime is down in the city of violent crime is done by 61st -- down by 6 percent. This includes the use of weapons like caustic sprays, knives and guns. Eps recently finding two loaded handguns during traffic stops which police say is concerning considering one of the suspects had three separate court ordered lifetime bans for possessing a gun. >> Reporter: edmonton police is asking for the public's help to find a 15-year-old boy missing since friday. Police say he reportedly left his residents in the area of 142 avenue and 72 street at around 2:40 am on friday. He is described as average height with a fuller build and short dark brown hair. He was last seen wearing black pants, black shoes, and a white shirt. Anyone's information is asked to contact edmonton police. 's. >> Reporter: sirens ringing out over tel aviv sunday morning as a barrage of missiles is launched from inside the gaza strip. >> I came into the living room to see the news on the tv and suddenly there is a huge boom and smoke and fire and dust all over the house. >> Reporter: rocket fragments found scattered across central israel including outside of the local elementary school. They attacked signalling to the israeli military that hamas is still able to fire long-range missiles despite being under bombardment for more than seven months. The war has left tens of thousands dead and thousands more it continued to be at risk every single day. Not only due to israeli airstrikes but famine and disease as well. More humanitarian aid has arrived on the coast of gaza through the U.S. appointed floating. Corridor. Israeli officials claim over 1800 pallets of food have now been transferred to international aid agencies working with the palestinian people but palestinians say it's still not nearly enough. >> Every day that passes by, we lose hundreds of people and the more the work continues, there will be much more difficult for us to rebuilds, to heal and make a new start. >> Speaking in brussels sunday during a joint conference with spain, the palestinian prime minister reiterated calls yet again for an immediate cease-fire. >> I think it's time to go beyond condemning actions and requesting israel to stop the war in gaza. I think we need to raise the voices a little bit more and demand cease-fire.

it's about time to end the war. >> He also use the time to call on all countries that have not yet acknowledged into state solution to do so and spain has answered that call. [ Speaking Alternate Language ] 's. >> Stain will recognize the palestinian state next tuesday, the 28th of may, joining the 143 other countries in the world that have already done so. We believe this is the only way to ensure a future of peace, prosperity, and security in the region, applying the two state solution. >> With the sheer amount of death and destruction caused by this more, those calls for an end to the violence are being echoed worldwide including right outside israeli prime minister's front door. Thousands continue to rally in tel aviv, demanding the prime minister present a plan for an endgame to this war and take concrete actions to return remaining hostages. >> They're not doing enough consultation with the public. >> Reporter: well edmonton homelessness and housing crisis is back on the table for city council, advocates say more needs to be done to help those in need. >> Like every plan they put out, they're always missing something. >> As someone who previously experienced homelessness, 19 voice your opinion at a community and public services committee meeting tuesday, I'm eating meant to update the plan to end homelessness in edmonton. >> Our numbers are rising radically right now because we've been destroying encampment. >> Last week, the mayor announced a new task force to tackle housing and homelessness including 16 community members housing developers and social agencies but she feels it's missing those with lived experiences. >> I'm not at that table, edmonton coalition on homelessness is not at that table and we are a leader in that information. 's why not have the people who are influential. >> Reporter: angling recent data, 3170 people are homeless in edmonton's while the number of homeless people who die annually in edmonton has increased from 37 in 2019 to over 300 and 2023. >> We need an action plan for the construction of housing units. If he actually put in the right amount of investment into these long-term solutions, you most importantly save those lives. $183 million in this budget cycle for affordable housing that this counselor is watching other levels of government. >> The provincial government is the one most responsible for this. Housing, shelter operations, mental health and addictions is their jurisdiction. 's. >> It's always good to have the kids come out. They like the rides and the games. >> Reporter: despite the rain, the festival season was in full swing in saint albert as hundreds of visitors showed up at the rainmaker festival's sunday afternoon. >> At the rainmaker. It's okay. We'll suffer a little bit. It's fine. >> Rain or shine, doesn't bother us. >> What's your favourite part? >> The rides. >> Reporter: the rainmaker festival kicked off friday featuring a parade, a variety of activities, life music, rides, and rhodium. >> I'm going to be on time. You. >> I left the rides. Article games are great. 's. >> The festival is a volunteer-based event and has been an annual tradition for over 55 years, hosted by the saint albert family. >> We like to say this is a labour of love. All of the money that we make goes into our pool of money to contribute back to the community. >> It's a tradition. >> Reporter: there certainly is a pattern developing for the edmonton oilers in the 2024 playoffs. It started in the opening round. One game one over the los angeles kings' kings responded by winning game two in overtime. It was the opposite against vancouver. Canucks came back in the opener while edmonton one game two in overtime. Off they went to the western conference final and one game one in double ot before dallas played stingy defensively and one game to. 's through three playoff series, one that started at home and sue that began on the road, the oilers have been tied at one through the first two games. >> We are happy with the split. Obviously you'd rather take to that going into good teams building, it's -- it's going to be hard-fought. We've got a chance here. We should be excited. It's an opportunity to make the most of our home games.

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