
CITY24 - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #48

true love I'm super excited to find the love of my life. A new crop of daters plunge into rural life I'm not a farm girl yet, but I'm farm-curious. On the show with real life romance I feel really special. Real connections I'm all in. Real heartbreak who will find their happily ever after? I did fall in love. You're a person I can see a future with. I choose you. Farming for love on ctv Back by popular demand. Welcome to McDadi's open house with George St-Pierre. Welcome back, gsp. How did you acquire your mental strength? Focusing on the objective. How do you stay fit? Healthy lifestyle my friend, The best advice you've received. In life when the door opens, get in. Ideal home features for relaxation. A very comfortable bed. Winning title is hard, but the real challenge is to remain champion. We are the number one team in the gta for 12 years in a row. When buying or selling Team McDadi is here for the knockout visit It's odd how in an instant things can transform. Slipping out of balance into freefall. (The stock market is now down 23%). This is happening people. Where there are so few certainties... (laughing) Look around you. You deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. I'm glad I found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. (Mellow music) >> At least 15 people are dead after severe weather hit texas, oklahoma and arkansas. Stunning video shows what's left of a shell gas station in northeast texas. The storm damaged homes and knocked down power lines and trees. >> I eating at a restaurant they do and then out of dying like moving windows are broken a violent sirens everywhere. It was all dark and. >> Yeah, I mean as well as moments that. Ucc videos about tornadoes, the people retelling him. I'm just like how, you know, I'm retelling now, but it's really want to thank you. Never expect. You know, until it actually happens. >> Aerial footage shows the path of destruction left behind by the tornado that carved through a rural area north of dallas. 7 deaths were reported in cook county, tens of thousands of people remain without power across the region. 100 million americans are under the threat of dangerous weather. The storm's inflicted there were samaj in a region spanning from north of dallas to the northwest corner of arkansas. And the system threatened to bring more violent weather to other parts of the midwest today. And wildfires continue to burn in british columbia. >> The next couple days, we're expecting some highly variable fire fire conditions. So we're going to have some places look at rain, others will stay dry. >> Northeastern bc is experiencing severe wildfires with some 2500 square kilometres currently on fire. There are concerns that thunderstorms this week could spark new fires in dry areas like near fort nelson. A large wildfire continues to burn just outside of that community where thousands of people were forced to evacuate earlier this month. They're expected to be allowed to return to their homes beginning tomorrow. Prime minister justin trudeau will visit france, marked the 80th anniversary of d-day and the battle of normandy. The visit will pay tribute to the more than 5,000 canadian troops killed in the largest combine military operation in history on june 6 in 1944 more than 150,000 allied troops landed on the beaches of normandy and what proved to be of pivotal battle. Bringing an end to world war ii. There are new concerns about escalation in the war between israel and hamas today after rockets were fired at tel aviv for the first time in months. Ctv's jeremy charron with the latest. >> A barrage of hamas rockets fired at tel aviv today, many shot down by the iron but not before sounding sirens in the israeli city. Sending many running for cover. No casualties have been reported today. Hamas terrorists in gaza. >> Fired 8 rockets, central israel from rough all sending millions of israelis. 2 bomb shows this 84 year-old woman says shrapnel came crashing through the roof of her home just north of tel suddenly, there was a huge boom and smoke fire and dust all over the house. She says. >> It's the first long-range rocket attack from gaza since

january. I think hamas wants to demonstrate >> They haven't been crippled. Still both weapons and the ability to use them. >> Meanwhile, israeli attacks in rafah today killed at least 35 people. According to palestinian health officials, the idf claims it killed 2 senior hamas operations have continued in rafah against court orders and mounting political pressure builds out. Those of him become good milled. Our goal in gaza is especially emphasized here in rafah, said israel's defence minister while visiting troops today destroy hamas return the hostages and maintain freedom of operation. He says. Now today's attacks by hamas, a show of resiliency that now has some questioning whether israel's goal of fully eliminating hamas can be achieved. >> The death toll in yesterday's russian attack on a ukrainian shopping centre has risen to 14. Local officials say to glide bombs were dropped by russian forces, striking a supermarket in the northern ukrainian city of kharkiv. 43 people were injured in the attack. Ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy called attack an act of terrorism, also saying more than 200 people could have been inside the store. The ukrainian president stated this attack and fa sizes, the need for air defence systems from western allies. 12 people have been injured by severe turbulence on a qatar airways flight. The boeing 7 87 9 dreamliner was flying from do have to doubling when experience turbulence over turkiye. The flight continued on to dublin were 6 passengers and 6 crew members received medical treatment after landing 8 were hospitalized. It comes 5 days after a man died of a suspected heart attack in dozens of people were injured when a singapore airlines flight from london hit severe turbulence. Former U.S. president donald trump was booed repeatedly while addressing the libertarian party national convention last night in dc. >> Now I think you should nominate me or at least a vote for me and we should when they get. >> People in the crowd shouted insults culled from for his covid-19 policies running up federal deficits and lying about his political record. Some supporters in the room tried to drown out the booze throughout trump's happen. Our speech attendees will pick their candidate for president during their three-day convention. This is toronto's breaking news cp24. The jays wrapped up their series against detroit today. How they is coming out. When we moved, I went online with Onlia and insured our home right from my phone. [child] Heads up! Oh no. [glass shatters] I went online with Onlia and submitted a home insurance claim right from my phone. ( ) We need to switch. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. But can we do it? Oh yeah. We can definitely make the switch. Sweet. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! [ ] With lotto 6/49... ...What possible could you find? With two jackpots on every ticket: the growing Gold Ball jackpot, plus the Classic jackpot of $5 million. [olg Sting] (Dramatic music) I am Paul Atreides! Duke of Arrakis! Let me fight beside you. I'll show you the way. Like a puzzle piece stops now. Man: Us tribute's don't have a choice. My name is Alex Hitchons. Call me Hitch. (Mid-tempo music) the blue jays take on the tigers in a matinee to wrap up their four-game series in detroit. >> And the 3, 2,

>> Jordan romanow giving up a three-run homer in the 9th inning in the jays. 14 11 loss. The 11 runs is the most. The jays have scored in a game all season. They trailed by 5 entering the 4th inning before mounting a comeback that ultimately fell short. The jays lose this series and dropped 3 straight games. Now they open a series with the white sox tomorrow madness in minnesota tonight in game 4 of the pwhl final. Boston scoring in double overtime to win one. Nothing extending the series against minnesota to a 5th and final game just minutes prior to the goal. Minnesota scored in a celebration began on the ice, but the refs ruled goalie interference and overturned the call. Game 5 goes wednesday night back in boston with the first-ever walter cuts on the candidate took on sweden this morning. The bronze medal match of the world hockey championship. >> Asked why the >> Canada took a two-one lead early in the 3rd, but sweden tied things up midway through the period before adding 2 goals late to win for 2. This is the first time since 2018 that canada has failed to win a medal at the world hockey championships. It was a hometown win for charles leclaire today at f one. The 26-year-old winning the monaco grand prix is look wears first victory since 2022 in the first ever win in monaco. Despite starting in pole position on 2 previous occasions. But claire cut reigning world champion that were stephens champion cheaply down to 31 points with 16 races to go this season. This is toronto's breaking news cp24. A new survey shows canadians are ready to travel again. That story's coming up. To find a food star gordon faces his biggest rival ever. Who wants to be on team Vanderpump? It's team lisa vs team gordon She can Vanderpump off. We're done on ctv People think you are only owed two weeks pay when you lose your job says that is a myth You may be owed much more than two weeks per year don't settle for less Always check with the Employment Layer first At Menopause can change your hair. I have thinning happening here, which I noticed when I was taking a selfie. Using our thickening treatment fights breakage for fuller looking hair. I feel good. So I want products that are made for where I'm at. Hair Biology. So I didn't think I needed Swiffer, until, I saw how easily it picked up my hair every time I dried it! Only takes a minute. Look at that! The Heavy Duty cloths are extra thick, for amazing trap & lock. Even for his hair. Wow! And for dust, I love my Heavy Duty Duster. The fluffy fibers trap dust on contact, up high and all around without having to lift a thing. I'm so hooked. You'll love Swiffer or your money back. [Ambient noise] Wow. Look at that! Lotto max has draws on Tuesdays and Fridays. If I won that, Id get the best barbecue in the neighbourhood. Not bad. I'd get personalized designer hedges. Ohh. Are we having a dream-off? Yeah. How about a full-time grounds crew? Try a human chess set! A backyard observatory! Front yard lazy river. Big enough for two? Let's go! Why dream to the min, when you can dream to the max? [olg sting] (Mid-tempo music) summer travel is ramping up and canadians are willing to spend more money this year on vacationing compared to last year. That's according to a new study by deloitte canada. Although where they are willing to travel might not be what you expect. Calm welcome rally explains. >> Despite economic pressures, it looks like canadians are willing to dish out more for travel this summer. Deloitte canada summer outlook shows that this year canadians are willing to travel despite these economic challenges, more than three-quarters of canadians surveyed said they plan to spend the same or more on summer vacation this year, while only 18% won't be travelling at all. With the average canadian willing to pay roughly $2400 for their summer trip this year. But while travellers are planning to spend more this summer,

they're also prioritizing keeping trips local three quarters of canadians plan to stay in the country. While two-thirds of those planning a road trip this summer. And of those hopping on a plane, nearly half will fly within canada, but people we spoke to a toronto's pearson airport cheaper prices for international travel has them going abroad this summer. I'm going to so the tickets worth about me going to miami to get crews bahamas. Honestly, the price is right here at pearson. The airport says the summer season really picks up in the late june. >> Where it gets busier than christmas with more passengers per day. Kamil karamali, ctv news, toronto. >> Furiosa takes the top spot in a disappointing memorial day box office. The stars chris hemsworth and is a prequel film to mad max fury road, which came out in 2015. According to deadline reports, movie could bring in 40 million dollars throughout the U.S. long weekend. The garfield movie finishes in second spots in last week's number one movie if drops to the 3rd spot. This is toronto's breaking news cp24 scientists have discovered a potentially habitable planets, but don't expect to be able to visit any time soon. We'll explain why coming up. (Upbeat music) - It's about showing the world how beautiful and cool people with disabilities are. - We're trying to build a bridge across the disability community. - I always say I am happier now with less sight than I've ever been. - Para sport lit that fire back in my life. - If you embrace the differences about you, they can be amazing things. - Challenge your perspective of what people living with disabilities are capable of. Vo: AMI-tv. Television that includes everyone. Experience now on ami+. I have a disability, but I'm not fragile. My first big hit, was a rush. It made me feel alive in a way only sports can. Because of partners like Bell, I get to feel it on the world stage. And now I get to share that feeling with the next generation. Since 1970. Clera Windows and Doors has embodied quality and trust. Limited time offer! Get 50% off all installations and pay nothing for one year. Upgrade your home with Clera today. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! [ ] With lotto 6/49... ...What possible could you find? With two jackpots on every ticket: the growing Gold Ball jackpot, plus the Classic jackpot of $5 million. [olg Sting] scientists have discovered a potentially habitable planets about 40 light years away. A study published this week says it's smaller than earth, but larger than the it falls within the habitable zone where liquid water can exist. The planet orbits a small star in the constellation pisces. Researchers calculate its surface temperature to be about 42 degrees celsius. So why can't we get there? Getting there will take about 225,000 years on the fastest spacecraft. We have. You're watching toronto's breaking news cp24. Look at tonight's top stories. When we come back. >> We're back in our demands for divestment, for disclosure and for cutting ties but since. >> Zuraidah: the clock is ticking for student that a pro- palestinian encampment on the university of toronto campus to leave or potentially face removal. Good evening. After hours of talks there is no agreement between pro- palestinian protesters and the university of toronto. University says it will seek a court injunction to remove me

can't meant if it is not cleared by 8:00 am tomorrow morning but the students who propose the counter offer today at a late afternoon meeting say they don't plan on leaving until their demands are met. 's. >> Reporter: heading back to the bargaining table, protesters have presented a counteroffer to the university demonstrations. >> Near% in our... >> Reporter: after rejecting an offer from the university late last week, pro- palestinian protesters say their position has not changed, their counter offer posted to the group's instagram page demanding the university divest its endowment from investments that provide direct or indirect eight to israel, that they disclose all investments and suspend ties to a post secondary institution operating in east jerusalem and university involved in developing weapons for israel while also asking for commitments at the university will not punish staff or students for engaging in the protest. >> Our offer is fair and reasonable. >> Reporter: on thursday the university presented their offer which included creating an advisory committee looking into divestment, a working group to consider options for disclosure and a hard note on severing ties to academic institutions giving protesters 24 hours to consider. Protesters say the offer was intended to slow play without offering real commitments. >> The process is slow, bureaucratic, and archaic. We reject playing a game that we'll go nowhere. Right now at the end of this press conference,... It will happen. >> Reporter: they point to a 2021 decision whether university announced they would divest from investments to fossil fuel companies. >> This is a notice of trespass. >> Reporter: protesters were served a letter on friday afternoon after rejecting the universities offer. The notice stipulated that if protesters do not leave by monday at 8:00 am, the university will be taking all necessary legal steps including seeking an order from the ontario superior court of justice. >> We are taking them at their word. >> Reporter: [ Singing ] while negotiations continue, there is a chance for resolution while they are also preparing a dive -- defence. >> Are lawyers tell us it's highly unlikely this we'll go through and that they are preparing a strong case to move forward but we will have to wait and see. >> As both sides looked towards the 25th day of the encampment. >> Zuraidah: toronto and york please have increased their presence in certain neighbourhoods after shots were fired at a jewish elementary school in north york yesterday. >> One of the questions I'm sure people asking is is this a hate crime, is this a terrorist act. What I want to say is that it's too early to say weather it is or not. We're not going to ignore the obvious, what occurred here and what the target of the shooting was. >> Reporter: multiple gunshots were fired at an elementary school in the area just after 4:50 am yesterday. Police found evidence of gunfire including a bullet hole in the building. No injuries were reported and no suspect description has been released. >> This is an obvious act of oddly anti-semitic hate. Who else in their right mind drives by a jewish school 5:00 in the morning and fires again added jewish girls school. What else can it be then anti-semitic ugly hate v-neck united jewish appeal will hold a rally outside the school for solidarity and support to the students, staff, and family. Members of toronto's jewish community gathered along the waterfront press not -- solidarity right -- rally this afternoon. The shoulder to shoulder rally was organized by jewish east toronto. Demonstrators called for the immediate return of hostages being held by hamas in gaza. >> We are demanding that they are released now. My message to our elected leaders is to continue to put pressure on hamas to release the hostages, lay down arms because that is the shortest way to end this conflict and to be an actual ally to israel who has been a canadian ally for many years. >> Israel says around 100 hostages continue to be held in gaza along with the bodies of around 30 others. Halted regional police have issued a public safety notice following two separate opioid poisoning incidents since friday. Police say two men and women have died from suspected inhalation of an unidentified substance in the town of hulton hills. The deaths are being investigated by the office of the corners as well as the criminal investigations bureau. More news in a moment. It is 19 degrees and mostly

cloudy. Let's take a first look at your forecast. As you can see, some precipitation moving into. I just went for a walk before the show. It was not only very windy but I saw lightning outside. Bent down the hatches. You could see really strong waves of precipitation, lightning, vendor, rain heading our way. And right now you can see it's pretty clear in toronto, 19 degrees. 18 in muskoka and 17 in mount forest and 20 in welland. As we look ahead, you can see rain, lightning, thunder. 17 is the norm for this time of year -- 11 is the norm, 17 right now. Sunrise at 541 tomorrow and it will be 18 degrees at 8:00 am. I woman is in hospital with serious injuries after being stabbed near fairview mall. Emergency crews responded to the area of sheppard avenue east just before 12:30 pm. Police say the woman was stabbed by a man she knew and while security apprehend the suspect, there's been no word on charges. A 45 old man from new york is facing a summons in connection with a deadly clash on the qew. On friday, a minivan on the toronto bound qew lost a wheel, the wheel hit a pickup truck before smashing through the windshield of a coach by scaring 4048-year-old man aboard the bus was killed and three other passengers were seriously injured. The 45-year-old driver of the minivan will appear in court on september 24th. Facing charges of unsafe operation of a vehicle. 7-year-old woman is data following a crash into an office problem early this morning around 4:30 am in the area of glyndebourne court and grandview street. A vehicle smashed into the home in the area. No one inside the building was injured. The cause of the crash remains under investigation. 54-year-old man is dead following a two vehicle collision south of lyndon. Opp say two vehicles collided on county road 121 shortly before 8:30 am. One driver was rushed to hospital where he later died. The cause of that crash remains under investigation. Meanwhile, provincial police have charged a driver who they state drove to their ottawa detachment hours after his license was suspended. Opp say they laid impaired driving charges against the man early saturday on highway 17. His vehicle was impounded. That vary afternoon she allegedly drove blacks just back through detachment to state -- see if he left itself on there. Police say he didn't but they didn't charge him for driving a suspended license and seized a second vehicle from him. Back in the city, the crash between the car and a ttc bus because a partial closure of lakeshore boulevard for several hours this afternoon. Police responded to the crash at lakeshore and lower jarvis street before 4:30 pm. A light pole was knocked down as a result of the crash. Police say the driver and passenger suffered minor injuries. Today was the final day of doors open toronto where people had the chance to explore some of the most exclusive and intriguing buildings in the city. Billy bishop airport was on the island as one of the places we got an inside at the airports operation. >> From high in this guy, billy bishop may look like a regular city airport but down on the ground, the haggard doors are open for people to really understand everything that goes on here. >> I haven't seen planes like this -- helicopters. >> More than 150 buildings insight are on showcase this weekend with the theme being hidden histories. It's the perfect setting for billy bishop which first opened in 1939 and served as a training ground for both the real canadians and royal norwegian air forces during the second world war. E is a huge number of teams doing all different kinds of work here at the airport. Airport maintenance, right weight maintenance, security. Those are things that people don't always get to see. >> A surprise to many people here is that the airport as it's own fire hall. They were able to board the truck and where firefighters suit. >> 's got a full fireproof your that keeps airports a. >> Inside the hangar and also on display for everyone to get enough close look at is an orange helicopter. >> I think they're really cool. There most likely for emergencies and stuff. >> The air ambulance service explaining how it provides

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