
CITY24 - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #14

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>>> First up let's talk about the weather. Looking at choppy waters of lake ontario this morning, as the sun is peaking behind the clouds. You can see some orange hues there. It was rainy and wet, and I'm sorry I didn't bring the sunshine back from greece with me. It is warm, at least it is warm outside. >> Bill: still at the very early stages of the warm weather season, so there's plenty of beautiful weather head. Sometimes we have to navigate the little bit of wet weather but it's not bad. The plants, the gardens, the lawns need it. Eventually we will get sunshine rewarding us for getting through or navigating through the next couple of days. Today a pocket of calm now. It is windy but overcast skies pick heavy rains and thunderstorms are turning around 8:30, 9:00 and so prepare for that. That will last till 130-2:00. Quieting down with sunny breaks by late afternoon and early evening. Back to showers overnight and tomorrow finally on wednesday we get more substantial clearing and prolonged as well. Next round of rain coming in. Still two or three hours away. When it arrives you will know it. Grabbed the umbrellas as you head out the door. 24 the high today, to purchase pullback with the chance of showers or the day tomorrow. Wednesday we get morning mid-day clearing and then a nice run of sun and warming conditions following that. Details coming up our the roses money? >> Lisa: busy. Happy to confirm we don't have any major live lane issues but this is 401 is tough because we have ongoing lane realignment adding to your drivetime. Delay from dixie. Look from the 427 from this to four lanes. That is the culprit for all of the jam east of here actually not terrible. We have a stall that is going east 401 expressed through dufferin. That is welcome news. South 404 don valley parkway getting busier now, sheppard down through the lawrence stretch. East gardiner slow typically this time of day towards and passed jameson through the long-term roadwork zone. Keep in mind steeles west of 27 off-limits for an earlier collision. Good area to avoid. Back to you nick and jenn. >> Nick: thank you. The mayor and chief of police are expected to show their support this morning at a north york jewish school there was hit by gunfire over the weekend. >> Jennifer: cp24's courtney heels is live at the school near dufferin and finch this morning and joined us with more what happened here exactly. Courtney? >> Reporter: good morning nick and jennifer. Talk about concerning, not only of course for the school community, but for the jewish community and many will be coming together first thing this morning as students arrived to raleigh for those who attend this school. The students and the staff members. We can also tell you this morning there is a police crews are set up just outside of this jewish elementary school. I will step out of the way so you can see it. We heard from police over the weekend they were planning to increase their presence in this area, given the investigation that is now in there hands. It was on saturday morning, very early, police were called to this north york school over reports of shots fired at the school here. What we heard from police, they said they found evidence of gunfire. Nobody was injured in this. Police were also asked at the time if this was considered a hate crime. They are saying it is too early to share if that is in fact the case. We know they would be investigations, it is possible later today there will be an update on this. Many were hearing of what had happened here, many responding, include the mayor who called this a despicable antisemetic act. Also saying she is going to be attending early this morning at about 8:00 when we understand the mayor, along with toronto's police chief myron demkiw coming together to really support this community, given what happened over the weekend and just how terrifying this is. -c. Actually just as I'm speaking due another crews are crews are going by. We heard from police saying anyone who works and lives in the area you can expect to see more police, inc. Least presents. Later this morning there is going to be this rally in support of the community. Hopefully a bit of an update from the chief on where they stand in this case. Over to you, jen. >> Jennifer: cp24's courtney heels reporting lifeless this morning. Thank you. >> Nick: pro-palestinian protesters captain at the university of toronto for weeks will be holding a rally this morning. This is in defiance of a trespass order issued by the school. >> Jennifer: the university has set the protesters must clear the site by 8:00 am. Giving you a live shot of the scene this morning whereas you can see many tenths are still set up. The fence around that area. Organizer say they plan to hold their ground and will hold a rally alongside the ontario federation of labour in an effort to force the school to meet their demands. The two sides did meet yesterday afternoon at protesters presented what they describe as a counter offer, only on the school to disclose public investments in companies profiting from israel's offensive in gaza. >> Our counter offer is built on the fact of the office of the president has the ability to create new processes and even make decisions on issues like divestment without being bound to a process to begin with. We saw this in 2021 ketlen the president finally unilaterally made the decision to divest from fossil fuel companies. Key didn't need a process, he didn't need a committee. The 2014 to 2016 ad hoc committee process was not even restarted. The president sipley made the decision, and it was done. In pressing times like in the middle of a genocide, it is a

moral obligation to act swiftly. >> Jennifer: a statement from the university of toronto reads in part, if the encampments remains noncompliant with the trespass notice, we will be preceding to court to seek injunctive relief through an urgent hearing. >> Nick: >>> A rally was held in the beaches yesterday to demand the release of their mating hostages being held by hamas. If you dozen people were joined by several politicians and calling for the release of hostages at kew-balmy beach. The rally was also to show support for the jewish community during the ongoing war. >> It is quite incredible the show of solidarity and support in general, just from our community, but also to have people from the non-jewish community come in. It definitely gives me a sense of hope. And also a feeling of safety to know that I am amongst people that care for me and care for my community. >> Every level of government has a responsibility to support our communities. To make sure that they are safe, that they feel safe and that they are safe. And that they do not feel isolated in a time of crisis. Thing coming together like this peacefully and quietly and mindfully is a reminder to all of us that we need to take care of one another and advocate for the release of the hostages. >> Jennifer: according to israeli officials, they're still about 125 hostages being held in gaza. >> Nick: a man is in custody after stepping outside fairview mall sunday. Police were called the don mills and sheppard around 12:30 in the afternoon for reports that a woman had been stabbed. Mall security held on to the suspect until police arrived. Investigators say the man is known to the woman. The victim was taken to hospital with serious injuries. >> Jennifer: an american man has been charged after a wheel smashed through the windshield of a bus on the qew in saint catherine's, killing a passenger. A 48-year-old toronto man died and three other people were seriously injured when the wheel slammed into the bus at the garden city skyway bridge on friday afternoon. Police say a 45-year-old man from new york has been charged with unsafe operation after the wheel came off of his van. Key is due in court in september

>>> Meantime durham police continue to investigate a deadly crash in oshawa. The collision happened just after 4:00 am in the glenbourne and grandview area what a sinker door single motor vehicle crashed into a hole. No one in the home was injured but police say 37-year-old woman died on scene and her name has not been released yet. The circumstances of the crash aren't clear but anyone with information is asked to contact police. >>> Luckily no injuries were reported after a car and ttc bus collided near the waterfront. Here you can see the bus with its windshield knocked out after it collided with a light pole at lower jarvis and lake shore around 4:30 yesterday afternoon. A badly damaged blue sedan with its airbags deployed came to a stop alongside the boss. >> Nick: peel police set to announce the results of a major auto theft investigation this morning in mississauga. Appeals police chief will be joined by brampton's mayor for the announcement detailing the results of project odyssey. The announcement is set for 9:00 am and we will have that covered for you right here on cp24. >> Jennifer: halton police rod with a public safety wording about a string of recent opioid poisonings in halton hills. Officers have responded to two separate suspected opioid poisoning incidents this friday. Three people had died as a result of the suspected inhalation of an anion to find substance. The deaths are being investigated by the coroner's office. Police are reminding people to know the signs of drug poisoning and safer use practices. >> Nick: ontario's privacy commissioner says she will publish a special report about the use of nongovernment e-mails and deleted messages related to the greenbelt. The ford government removed land from the greenbelt to build 50,000 homes in 2022, before reversing course. Reports from the auditor-general and integrity commissioner found the process favoured certain developers. The privacy commissioner says her office is working on 19 access to information appeals that are similar to concerns raised by ontario ndp leader marit stiles. >> Jennifer: history is expected that queens park this week with an indigenous language to be spoken inside the legislature for the very first time. Deputy leader of the ontario ndp will rise in the chamber on tuesday to ask a question in oji-cree. Family, friends and elders are set to watch from the gallery. This will mark the first time the ontario legislature will allow a language other than english or french to be used. >> Nick: 18 people are now confirmed that after severe storms and tornadoes tore across parts of the south and central us over the weekend. >> It hit so fast. It is just -- the only thing I can say is just pay attention to the weather alerts, really. >> Nick: the worst of the damage was reported in texas, oklahoma and arkansas. In texas, the governor says more than a third of the counties and estate are under disaster declarations. Kentucky's governor declared a state of emergency early this morning because of damage from high winds and tornadoes. Yesterday's indianapolis 500 was delayed because of severe weather, in the nasty weather continues. It is shifting east today with severe storms expected from alabama to new york city. This of course on memorial day holiday, south of the border. Looks like we're in for a little unsettled weather as well today according to bill. >> Jennifer: those images are wild. >> Nick: devastating. The power of nature. >> Jennifer: here's your chance to own a piece of film history. >> Nick: the suburban chicago home used in home alone is officially on the market. It is listed for a cool $5.25 million us and features more than 9000 square feet, with five bedrooms and six bathrooms. You can toboggan down the stairs the home was built in 1921, expanded in 2018, and while the house was used for exteriors, seeds inside the house were actually shot on a soundstage. >> Jennifer: that is interesting. It looked like it was shot inside. >> Nick: the magic of movies. I thought the same thing as well. >> Jennifer: comes with the booby-trapped basement. >> Nick: watch out for that. >> Jennifer: when I was a kid seeing that house, watching this movie as a kid it was like wow that is a mansion. It is a mansion. Compared to toronto housing prices, that is really good actually. >> Nick: in toronto that would be $50 million. >> Jennifer: totally. >> Nick: if you can afford it I guess. >> Jennifer: staying with prices and the cost of living, our conversation continues after the break because major grocery store chains are in the crosshairs from the government, angry shoppers. >> Jennifer: opening up that conversation to you about grocery prices. Who do you blame? Th Hello! Now that I am in Yorkville... I am the Class-man. Louis Vuitton, Cartier, Tiffany, Rolex... You name it we've got it! Look rich, stay rich! 88 Yorkville baby. Ooh Yeaaahhh!!! Look rich, stay rich! 88 Yorkville baby. Ooh Yeaaahhh!!! Feeling sluggish or weighed down? Could be a sign that your digestive system isn't at its best. But a little Metamucil every day can help. 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grocery prices? Are you taking part in boycotts, or do you think being blamed is misplaced your? E-mail us at and we will share some of those responses this morning. I'm still waiting for the vertical farms and every thing to become something. We need more innovation. This is charity. Charity rights I blame both the government and to the grocery stores. I am so sick and tired of food going up and wages staying the same, and people like me who are on medical leave on a tight budget. >> Bill: that is tough. >> Jennifer: I hear you. The thing about wages staying the same and not keeping up with inflation everywhere is something we have to pay attention to. Next up deborah riding it to say, the boycott with loblaws isn't hurting the big guys. It is hurting the employees at those who still enjoy shopping out loblaws. Our hours are being cut since the boycott there. Less cashiers and people are angry. >> Nick: I think what I get what she is a there. Adrian chiming in as well. I absolutely blame in the stores for high prices. Having spent most of my working life working in the food production chain, and know the responsibility lies in the hands of the end retailer. >> Jennifer: interesting. Okay. We'll have to ask that. >> Bill: when he writes his. Companies are in business to make money. Why are we chastising for doing their jobs? Investing where you shop as a way to recoup your money. The competition is supposed to keep prices in line. If there's collusion between companies to keep prices that are artificially higher price, that is the question here. Definitely what they are looking at right now. I think if you did bring in, sometimes it is not the most welcome thing to bring in us big retailers because and we start talking about local businesses, moment hops. They have to find that balance. But I do think in our economy, competition is key. And keeps everyone a check and you want people to make money. But monopoly allows them to gouge you. >> Nick: certainly does. Tricky situation. Like you said what you bring a competition or big other stores in the us, what does that mean for the 1 offs? Small retailers? Try to find that balance is tricky. We will keep that conversation going with you this morning. Give us your opinion and let us know who you are blaming for the major chains for the high grocery prices, somewhere in the supply chain, government? Lots of opinions already this morning. Good to hear the variety coming in. We will keep that conversation going. Coming up, a conversation about the morning business headlines. Bnn blue brigs paul bagnell will be joining us onset momentarily. [ ] [ ] crave, The most talked about... Sounds intense. ... most anticipated shows... You step out of line even once. ... All right here. Subscribe now at Did you know there's another form of debt consolidation? It's called a consumer proposal. This government regulated alternative to bankruptcy helps you repay a smaller portion of your debt based on what you can afford. Simply make one monthly payment and put an end to both interest charges and collection calls. Take the first step with a free consultation. You'll wonder why you didn't do this years ago. (Song in French) ( ) ( ) Oh ( ) ( ) Get a head start with Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra and Canada's fastest 5g+ network. ( ) With the $30 Massive Money ticket going big could be a scratch away. Getting in a car accident takes away from you and your family. It takes your health... Compromises your finances. ...and disrupts your whole life. Don't want for justice. Call Canada's largest personal injury firm today. To find out why there's nothing tougher than a diamond. We need to switch. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. But can we do it? Oh yeah. We can definitely make the switch. Sweet. (Dynamic music)

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