
CITY24 - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #12

christmas with more passengers per day. Kamil karamali, ctv news, toronto. >> Furiosa takes the top spot in a disappointing memorial day box office. The stars chris hemsworth and is a prequel film to mad max fury road, which came out in 2015. According to deadline reports, movie could bring in 40 million dollars throughout the U.S. long weekend. The garfield movie finishes in second spots in last week's number one movie if drops to the 3rd spot. This is toronto's breaking news cp24 scientists have discovered a potentially habitable planets, but don't expect to be able to visit any time soon. We'll explain why coming up. (Dynamic instrumental music) Hello. I'm Russell Oliver, and I am the cash man. Bring me your used jewelry and I will give you cash. Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Number one in sewer and drain cleaning. Number one in water damage clean-up. And number one in the number two business since 1935. Call Roto-Rooter that's the name. And away go troubles down the drain. Roto-Rooter! Where Tribute really makes a difference is in the quality. My Tribute The Warranty's there but you won't need to use it. My Tribute Outstanding quality for complete peace of mind. My Tribute Quality that exceeds the standards. My Tribute Winner of the J.D. Power Award for highest in customer satisfaction with new homebuilders in the gta. A tradition of Excellence for over 40 years, visit If you've been injured as a result of a slip & fall accident the lawyers at Bergel Magence will help you get the compensation you deserve Call us today for your no-obligation consultation. Bergel Magence 416 665 2000 Chuck's a wanderer. A lover of the open road. To some he's a legend... to others a phantom of leather and steel. [Motorcycle revs] Chuck was searching. What for, you ask? A Triple-A-Steak at an unbeatable price. And that's The Legend of Chuck! Can I get you guys anything else? [Horse neighs in the distance] [Door opens] [Bell rings] [Footsteps approaching] ( ) Hello. I'm Russell Oliver, and I am the cash man. Bring me your used jewelry and I will give you cash. Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Scientists have discovered a potentially habitable planets about 40 light years away. A study published this week says it's smaller than earth, but larger than the it falls within the habitable zone where liquid water can exist. The planet orbits a small star in the constellation pisces. Researchers calculate its surface temperature to be about 42 degrees celsius. So why can't we get there? Getting there will take about 225,000 years on the fastest spacecraft. We have. You're watching toronto's breaking news cp24. Look at tonight's top stories. When we come back. [ ] >> Jennifer: welcome to cp24 before breakfast, on jennifer hsuing. >> Nick: welcome back from vacation pick good to see you back here. Good to have you, I'm nick dixon. Here are the top stories making news is monday morning. Despite an 8:00 am deadline set by the adversity of toronto to leave an encampment, pro-palestinian protesters are planning a rally this morning. >> Jennifer: the mayor and chief of police are expected to attend an event that a jewish school in north york that was targeted by gunfire over the weekend. Details coming up. >> 3-2. Flyball, leftfield. And this game is over. >> Nick: the jays in chicago taking on the white sox today after losing a four-game series to the detroit tigers over the weekend.

>>> Let's get to the here and now. Weather situation out there this morning, kind of choppy waters on the shores of lake ontario as we look east towards the city from the western shores of the lake. Looks rather overcast as well. That irises cranked. It also looks unsettled and incredibly windy night last night. >> Bill: less than half an hour away from the sun coming up we do have overcast skies or mainly overcast skies and heavy rain overnight with thunderstorms. We will see a return to that, don't be fooled. We are in a gap, not the end of it. And comes back around 9:00 or just before with strong bands of rain and thunderstorms that will last until early afternoon. Late in the day we will likely get sunny breaks before we see a return to showers overnight and showers with the risk a few isolated thunderstorms tomorrow. Then we clear out on wednesday and there's no real looking back. Nice stretch of weather after that. Hold on, navigate through this. Let the ground soak up all the rain to get to the sunny patch is ahead. Here's the rain overnight, where in this nice little gap here. Extra round of rain coming in around 9:30 and lasting to early to mid afternoon. Then we will get to the active weather tonight and tomorrow. 23, will probably change this to sun but that won't come in until later this afternoon. Full long-range forecast coming up. Lisa, over to you. >> Lisa: good morning. The talk this morning is the weather and road conditions. Potential still for some ponding and pulling in areas. Be mindful. Crews clear to situation southbound 410 past williams parkway athing towards the queen stretch. You can see every thing flowing through here nicely. At 1.2 left lanes were affected. Eastbound 401 through parts of milton, misissauga, this is a look east of the 427 you are in great shape. We didn't have much overnight roadwork either. Top of the don valley parkway southbound through york mills looking great. So far the east gardiner looking okay heading to the downtown core. Back to you nick and jen. Welcome back. >> Jennifer: thank you so much lisa. Appreciate that. >>> Our top story this our, pro-palestinian protesters camped out at the university of toronto for weeks will hold a rally this morning in defiance of a trespass order issued by the school. >> Nick: the university has said the protesters must clear the site by 8:00 this morning. Organizer said they planned to hold their ground and we'll have a rally alongside the ontario federation of labour and cupe in an effort to force the school to meet their demands. The two sides met yesterday afternoon and protesters presented what they described as a counteroffer, calling the school doors on the school to disclose public investments in companies profiting from israel's offensive in gaza. >> Our counter offer is built on the fact that the office of the president has the ability to create new processes and even make decisions on issues like divestment without being bound to a process to begin with. We saw this in 2021 when president kohler finally unilaterally made the decision to divest from fossil fuel companies. Key didn't need a protests, he didn't need a committee. The 2014 to 2016 ad hoc committee process was not even restarted. The president sipley made the decision and it was done. In pressing times like in the middle of a genocide, it is a moral obligation to act swiftly. >> Jennifer: a statement from the university of toronto reads in part, if they remain on a club client with a trespass notice we will be preceding to court to seek injunctive relief through an urgent hearing. >> Nick: the mayor and chief of police are expecting to show their support at a north york jewish girls school this morning that was hit by gunfire over the weekend. United jewish appeal is asking for people to show up at the elementary school at 8:30 this morning for a show of solidarity. Police responded to the school about 5:00 am saturday for reports of shots fired. A political was found in the building but no injuries were reported. There are some concerns this was hate motivated and police will be looking into that. Police also stepping up their presence in certain neighbourhoods in response to the shooting. >> Jennifer: a rally was held in the beaches yesterday to demand the release of the remaining hostages being held by hamas a few dozen people were joined by several politicians in calling for the release of hostages and cube on the beach. It was also to show support for the jewish community during the ongoing war. >> It's quite incredible the show of solidarity and support in general just from our community, but also to have people from the non-jewish community come in. Indefinite leaves just gives me a sense of hope. Also a feeling of safety to know that I am amongst people that care for me and care for my community. >> I think a lot of people think there's real you just human connections, 125 hostages held in captivity against their will. Karen this, unspeakable atrocities have taken place and those are others and sisters, fathers, husbands, wives. They are real people. Amidst all of the chaos and the politics of this, those people are being forgotten and they can't be. >> Jennifer: according to israeli officials, there still about 125 hostages being held in gaza. >> Nick: an american man is

been charged after a wheel smashed through the windshield of a bus on the qew in st. Catharines, killing a passenger. A 48-year-old toronto man died and three other people were seriously injured when the wheels slammed into the bus near the garden city skyway bridge on friday afternoon. Police say a 45-year-old man from york is charged with unsafe operation after the vehicle came off his van. Is due in court in september. >>> And her police continue to investigate a deadly crash in oshawa. This happened 4:00 am in the glen vernon grandview drive area when a single medium fresh motor vehicle crash in two oh. Nobody in the home was injured but police say 37 old woman died on scene. Her name has not been released. The circumstances of the crash aren't clear right now. Anyone with information is being asked to contact police. >>> No injuries reported after a car and ttc bus collided near the waterfront on sunday. Here you can see the bus with its windshield knocked out after it collided with a light pole at lower jarvis and lake shore about 4:30 sunday afternoon. Apparently damaged blue sedan with its airbags deployed came to a stop alongside the boss. >> Jennifer: halton police are at with the public safety wording about a string of recent opioid poisonings in hell don't halton hills. Officers have responded to two separate suspected opioid poisoning incidents since friday. Three people have died as a result of the suspected inhalation of an unidentified substance. The deaths are being investigated by the coroner's office. Police are reminding people to know the signs of drug poisoning and safer use practices. >> Nick: ontario's privacy commissioner says she will publish a special report about the use of nongovernment e-mails and deleted messages related to the greenbelt. The ford government removed the land from the greenbelt to build 50,000 homes in 2022 before reversing course. Reports from the auditor-general and integrity commissioner found the process favoured certain developers. Privacy commissioner patricia says her office is working on 19 active access to information appeals that are similar concerns raised by ontario ndp leader marit stiles. >> Jennifer: shareholders and indigo will meet today to vote on a deal which would privatize the company's ownership. The deal would see the company take in private by the trilogy retail holdings inc. And trilogy investments lp trilogy. The company is owned by gerald schwartz who owns over 50 percent of indigo shares, also -- ceo heather reisman who holds almost 5 percent of the company's shares. >> Nick: time to talk a little sports on this monday morning cbt 14 before breakfast, talking baseball. The jays in chicago taking on the white sox today after losing a four-game series to the detroit tigers this weekend. >> The 3-2. Flyball left field. This game is over. >> Jennifer: yesterdays game saw jordan romano gave up a three run homer in the ninth inning in the jays 14-11 loss. The 11 runs is the most the jays have scored in a game all season they trailed by five entering the fourth inning before mounting a comeback that ultimately fell short. The jays lose the series and have dropped three straight games now. Their game in chicago get started today just after 2:00 pm to bat for that. >> Nick: that's unfortunate.

>>> You are back. You've been off a little bit dealing with health issue, learn janys, bronchitis, et cetera. But you have been on vacation the last week. Welcome back. Back on air. How was the vacation cricket. >> Jennifer: it was amazing. We went to the greek island and I wrote a poem about it. If we had more time -- I will post it. I don't think I'll share it. It is a long one. It was excellent. George said it doesn't matter where you go increase, they will welcome you like it is their home. They really did. Splendid weather. The water is what captivated me. Crystal-clear water. Like almost cleaner than tap water, seriously that's how beautiful it was. Scenic rocks, great food, the feta cheese. Can't get enough of that spill your instagram feed was amazing. >> Jennifer: and they put capers and there greek salads. And gives it that cake. Usually I think onion, tomato, cucumber. But they put capers. It was delicious. >> Nick: I also got back from edmonton where I was on the weekend, I left on thursday right after the show. Jack came third in the scooter cup edition, qualifiers for the canadian nationals coming up later this year. The first event, and to go to edmonton. Some video of his first run here. I can't really make it out because the screen is far. This is him beforehand. But we get there on friday, there he is right there. Ten years old. It was an amazing run. Key putdown two solid runs, finished third. Just behind two guys who ride at the skate park pretty much weekly. For him to accomplish that, and he also had a backflip, when she unlocked the day before. Had never done a backflip before then doing it all weekend long. It was remarkable. >> Jennifer: without a soft landing. >> Nick: right onto the wood. >> Jennifer: isn't a much younger than some other competitors? >> Nick: he is in the 10-13 category. Amazing. Heated 2452nd runs, 17 tricks neutron which is remarkable. Podium, third place and then the street competition is a wide-open competition. Finished fourth in that. Really amazing weekend. That's why I said a little congested because I was shouting and endorse. >> Jennifer: rushing to get your flight on friday. >> Nick: there he is. Pretty phenomenal. >> Jennifer: are a great dad for taking him. So dedicated. This is why kids succeed. They have parents that support them. >> Nick: thanks. I love supporting all three of my kids. The younger ones doing so much. Great stuff. Congratulations. Amazing weekend. Thank you, jen. Great to be back. Great to have you back as well. >> Jennifer: it's been a long stretch of. >> Nick: a really long stretch. He don't have to worry about winning for john maurice. He will be here with toronto is talking about coming up next to find a food star gordon faces his biggest rival ever. Who wants to be on team Vanderpump? It's team lisa vs team gordon She can Vanderpump off. We're done on ctv [ ] You might not know how to fix a broken air conditioner. Sfx: [phone/truck/bag/fan] But we do. "That was fast." And if you need a new one pay as little as three dollars a day and make no monthly rental payments for 6 months Call on Reliance People think you have to sign back a severance offer by a deadline, says that is a myth. Deadlines are used as a pressure tactic. Make sure the offer is fair before you sign. Always check with the employment lawyer first at At Nuborrow we develop unique plans so people can unlock the equity in their home. Unique like this one... it's called the Jackson's Plan. Christopher and Gabrielle's son is off to school to play soccer and study engineering. Go, Quinton. They were juggling the cost of school, their current debts, and needed a specialized plan of attack. So now, while others only dream about goals, Quentin can score them. Reach out today... we'll work side by side to unlock the equity in your home. Use your home to get a loan with Nuborrow. ( ) With the $30 Massive Money ticket going big could be a scratch away. In my book, saving while shopping is a no-brainer. So, I use Rakuten to get Cash Back while I'm book clubbing. Cha-Ching! So, how does that work? Well, stores pay Rakuten to send them shoppers. Rakuten shares that money with us, in a check or PayPal payment. It's free and easy. Shopping for a new Jeep or Ram truck? It's never been a better time to buy! The biggest selection. The best deal. Its not just about the car, its about you. From sales to service, we're here for you. Your service priced right Done right. Downsview Chrysler Where you get more and pay less. Get more, pay less. It's never been a better time to buy!

Get more, pay less. Get more, pay less. We make it easy, just sign and drive! Come on down to Downsview! ] >> Bill: look at those waves crashing on to the shorelines. It is pretty, but also indicates a little bit of wind out there today. Dusty and unsettled. Very changeable weather. In a bit of a low right now, still windy but overcast skies. Around 8:39 we get into showers and storms that will last until early afternoon. And then we will see a little bit of breakup in the cloud deck late afternoon to early evening. Likely even seeing sunshine when the temperatures pop to where it is headed to 23, maybe tony fort benning on the event of sunshine we get. Back to cloud overnight and showers returning tomorrow with the brisk of a few invented thunderstorms. Mostly dies down wednesday morgan that a main stretch of sun after that. Just have to navigate to the beginning of this workweek with unsettled weather and then rewarded with sunshine and pretty pleasant conditions. Here it comes, there it goes. Around 2:00 pm you can see breakup in the cloud deck, a few showers and storms drift by to the north. Returned to showers tomorrow morning, if you showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon. Really just an isolated lingering shower wednesday morning and then skies clear, the remainder of the long-range forecast pretty decent right up until sunday. 23 today, risk of storms, especially midday. 18 tomorrow with a few showers and maybe an isolated. Morning clearing wednesday, 18 right and fresh for thursday. Friday beautiful sunny and pleasant. Increasingly take lots for saturday, still really nice at 24. Generally bright. Variable day with an isolated shower and a high of 22 for sunday. [ ] >> Nick: time to get into what toronto is talking about this monday morning, the gang back together. It is been a while, john moore from newstalk 1010 here to get into the headlines this morning. >> Jennifer: here we are, reunited. >> John: out went through the same pothole this morning. >> Jennifer: likely for you -- you are lucky. I two flat tires. Are to do it that. >> Nick: tell people where this is. >> Jennifer: this is coming down about university right before you approach dundas. That stretch. Just be aware there seems to be a code tipped over. Kai swore. I realized, this is a dangerous situation and I need to pull over. Let's turn to what people are talking about. U of t protesters have no plans to leave the pro-palestinian encampments as the deadline is approaching. >> John: deadline is 8:00 am this morning. The university set to that and they backed off previous deadlines. Just a sort of double down, the protesters are insisting they will rally at 8:00 am. Really don't think they are sending in the cops at any time today, but obviously we will cover this hour to hour to see what happens. >> Nick: some court proceedings get underway conjunctions and cetera. We'll follow all of this because it will be happening during both of our shows. You can follow that here or of course new stock tent had withdrawn. In the meantime another concerning situation over the weekend, nocturnal police will boost their presence just after a fire effectively someone was shot outside a jewish girl's elementary school. >> John: it is called bais chaya mushka elementary school, and shots fired on saturday morning apparently. Damage done, nobody was hit. You have to imagine what it's like for kids and parents and staff to be returning to that school today with the ongoing fear of potential violence. >> Jennifer: yeah, really, when he put the two and two together it is hard not to think this is not a hate crime. For sure. Turning to this news, which broke a few days ago. We now know the cause of this golf player, graysen murray. 's parents say the two type ega tour winner died of a suicide. >> John: he withdrew on friday , saying he was ill. But he -- there's a lot of video of him talking about anxiety and depression. And I was parents have confirmed this kind of advances the conversation I guess about people who take their lives or people who suffer from mental anguish. 's parents confirming sunday that it was indeed a suicide. It really haunted -- at one point they were discussing they were going to cancel the weekend pga tournament. It dominated through the weekend and various interviews, other players were just in tears. >> Nick: they are all pretty close. He has won a couple of times. It's not like he was sort of a player without a bright future, 30 years old. I guess you do know some demons people are battling but it is an absolute tragedy indeed.

>>> More local story here, the situation we barty dealt with a couple in our house, tick season has arrived. Try to be more vigilant. A real concern in southern ontario. >> John: it is. We had such a mild winter and summer went on so long that the tics have had an ability to reproduce. They've also stayed alive through the winter. Apparently were having an early tick season. There's more time through the spring, summer and autumn that these tics are going to find hosts. Kai hate to fear munger as we approach summer, but there it is. It's also about animals. >> Nick: and people going in longer grasses are bushy areas. As kids or want to do to chase things or hide or just play around. Both of my kids have had ticks on them. Not bitten thank goodness, but already the last couple of weeks it's a good sense of reality. >> Jennifer: high definition national geographic news giving me the creeps. Not very pretty. This is exciting because the end of may this is when the beaches in the city officially open. >> John: 70 has to tell billy about this. Beaches -- you can swim anytime you want. Even in the wintertime if you feel like it. But we will have lifeguards on patrol from 10:30 am to 7:30 pm as of june first. There are ten official beaches, eight of them are blue flag which means the water is clean, and they meet all kind of environmental standards. A lot of people don't know how swimmable lake ontario actually is. It is. >> Jennifer: I swam in it -- not to break, but I will. But last summer. There is seaweed but it was clean. >> John: it is called a. >> Nick: it is called. Idol -- >> Bill: 13 degrees. >> Nick: 30 degrees what we are talking about. John, thank you for walking us through what road was talking about this when he. Have a great show. See you back here tomorrow. >> Jennifer: thanks john. When we come back major grocery store chains are in the crosshairs from the government to angry shoppers. We are putting up a conversation about that coming up right after this. [ ] No one told Jason that adulting sometimes requires you to stretch time. It said karate at four and swimming at 1600. Who knew that's the same time? Everyone, Jason. Everyone knew that? Literally, everyone. But you can up your adulting game with Sonnet home and auto insurance. Just go online and in minutes you're covered. Plus, Canadian university and college grads can get a juicy discount. Hey, I went to university. And look at you now. Kids, look! Get up, Dad. ( ) We need to switch. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. But can we do it? Oh yeah. We can definitely make the switch. Sweet. Join the heat pump revolution with an all electric or hybrid heating and cooling system. Save up to 50% on utility bills while using only one system to cool and heat your home. Make the switch to Mitsubishi Electric, Canada's number one brand in mini-split heat pump technology. I love going out with my friends And thanks to Sokoloff lawyers, I still can. I'm Wendy Sokoloff. Let Sokoloff Lawyers fight for your rights. Call 416-966-hurt or visit Shopping for a new Jeep or ram truck? Looking for the GTAs biggest selection of new and used vehicles? Searching for the GTAs best deal? Looking for expert service on your car or suv? Come on down to Downsview Chrysler where you get more and pay less. From sales to service, we're here for you. Come on down to Downsview Chrysler your one-stop shop! The biggest selection. The best deal. It's never been a better time to buy! We make it easy, Just sign and drive! Come on down to Downsview! Male Announcer: Mary's brightening up daytime with good friends and good times. Give me a high five! Do you love it? Oh my gosh, I love this. Announcer: The Good Stuff with Mary Berg, weekdays on ctv. >> Jennifer: welcome back. Time to chat on the couch pick in case you missed it friday, which I did, canada's competition bureau is looking into the conduct of sobeys and loblaws. >> Nick: like we are breaking roos rate before your eyes. >> Nick: federal court document show the bureaus looking at the companies use of so-called property controls to limit retail grocery competition. Meanwhile organizers of the boycott against loblaw say they may keep it going past the end of this month. >> Bill: we want to know, do you blame major chains for the high grocery prices? Are you taking part in any

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