
CITY - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 05:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #3

>>> ONTARIO'S LEGISLATURE RESUMES THIS WEEK, AND ONE INDIGENOUS MEMBER IS SET TO MAKE HISTORY AT QUEEN'S PARK. ON TUESDAY, SOL MAMAKWA, THE ONLY FIRST NATION MPP WILL RISE IN THE LEGISLATIVE CHAMBER AND ASK A QUESTION IN OGI CREE. THIS WILL BE THE FIRST TIME IN ITS HISTORY THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE WILL ALLOW, INTERPRET, AND TRANSCRIBE A LANGUAGE OTHER THAN ENGLISH AND FRENCH. THE MOVE COMES MANY YEARS AFTER SOL MAMAKWA WAS PUNISHED IN A RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL FOR SPEAKING IN HIS OWN LANGUAGE. >> Announcer: NEXT ON CITYNEWS... >> WE DO NOT WANT THE U.N. CHARTER TO BE BURNED. >> UKRAINE'S PRESIDENT CALLING FOR WORLD LEADS TO ATTEND AN UPCOMING PEACE SUMMIT AS VIOLENCE CONTINUES TO ESCALATE ALONG THE COUNTRY'S SHARED BORDER WITH RUSSIA. Turner: The Sportsnet App has everything Blue Jays. Listen to live games and podcasts And much more. Kiermaier: You can stream Blue Jays games anywhere on Sportsnet Plus. Tap the Sportsnet App today! What's more thrilling, more fast paced, and always a bullseye for charities? Bingo! Woo! Yes! Delta Bingo & Gaming.If you know, you bingo. Spring is here and there'sno better timeto get into a new Nissan. ( ) You've been waiting forthe right moment to get out and drive and great offersare ready and waiting for you. So, check out all the latesttech, features and thrills - it's all happening right now. During the Nissan Spring into Savings event, lease select models from as low as 2.99% for 24 months. ( ) (Laughter) ( ) Mmm! Mmm! Hmm! Mmm-m-m! Milk chocolate beyond words. Swiss Classic by Lindt. [muffled noise] ( ) When my hearing changed, HearingLife understood. ( ) I don't just want to keep hearing my friends. ( ) I want to keep being me. Book a free hearing test with one of our hearing professionals and see how our personalized care can help you - keep being you. Love your ears at HearingLife. Is Astro really 100% natural? Canadian milk, cream and cultures, just three simple ingredients. [intense music] [upbeat music] Astro Original. (gentle music) And now, we are going to shift slightly forward. And hold. (lawn mower whirring) - [Narrator] Imagine finding your Zen at home with proprietary decking and railing products from Deckorators. (blower whirring) (Click) Let me guess, first claim with us? Yep. (Thinking) He-e-ere we go. We checked your coverage, and we're good to go. (Thinking) Oh, we'll see. TD Insurance is the only provider with Auto Centres that handle your claim onsite. (Thinking) Sure. We'll do your repair... (Thinking) It can't be this easy, can it? ...and your rental car too. (Thinking) Is this a dream? (Gasp) Am I wearing pants? Advisors, repairs and rentals, all in one place. If you were expecting drama, you won't find it here. TD. Ready for you. Introducing Popeyes Big Box. You not only get two pieces of signature chicken, two regular sides and a biscuit for seven ninety-nine... can also add a fancy strawberry biscuit! Am I just a basic biscuit? Live a little. Love thatChicken from Popeyes ( ) With the $30 Massive Money ticket going big could be a scratch away. Conference Finals!” Time to turn things up a notch” Are you ready?” Heres where I go to work!” Unbelievable!” Wild action!” Im here... so keep your head up!” A Richter scale hit!” You get an opportunity... you gotta take it!” Whos going to be the big factor in the game?” Draisaitl scores!” Im here for that” Im here...” Im here...” Im here for...” The Stanley Cup!” This is a guy.... who wants to get to the Stanley Cup Finals!”

Im here... To win!” The show goes on!!!!” (Cheering and clapping) given until 8-am on Monday to >> Bring joy to life every day with tsc, from top brands to easypay and more. Shop every day, >> Brandon: here's a recap of the top stories. Pro-palestinian protesters at u of t have been given until 8 a.m. On monday to clear out of their encampment. Organizers are currently meeting with school officials so discuss their demands including a counteroffer. Dozens of cyclists biking from danforth avenue to kingston road this morning calling for safer streets in scarborough. And at least eight people are dead and hundreds of thousands are without power as severe storms sweep through the central U.S. >>> And now a look to eastern europe where fighting continues to intensify along the russia/ukraine worder. Karling donoghue with more on the extensive damage from the latest round of back and forth attacks between the two countries. >> Reporter: this dramatic drone footage displaying the aftermath of a deadly russian bombardment in ukraine's second largest city. >> (Voice of Interpreter): approximately 120 people were inside the centre at the moment of the attack. >> Reporter: an air strike touching down right on top of a busy gardening centre in ukraine's kharkiv region saturday leaving at least 16 people dead, 16 people missing and dozens more injured. >> (Voice of Interpreter): at around 4 o'clock, the enemy attacked the supermarket with two guided bombs. They hit the building directly. Immediately afterwards, a fire broke out as the centre stocks a lot of flammable materials. >> Reporter: the attack the latest to strike the border region which has slowly become the new main battleground of this war. Fighting is intensified in recent weeks in kharkiv and russia's belgrade where a ukrainian air strike touched down sunday leaving ten dead and others injured. Even as his troops continue to jab, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy says his country still needs all the help it can get. >> To president biden, the leader of the united states, and to president xi, the leader of china, we do not want the U.N. charter to be burned, burned down just like these books and I hope you don't want to either. >> Reporter: standing in the charred remains of a ukrainian printing press, zelenskyy urged the two world leaders to join him at the upcoming global peace summit this june in switzerland. >> Please show your leadership in advancing the peace, real peace, not just a pause between the strikes. The efforts of global majority are the best guarantee that all commitments will be fulfilled. Please, support the peace summit with your personal leadership and participation. >> Reporter: now, earlier this week, russian president vladimir putin did signal that he may be open to peace talks in the near future, but ukrainian officials remain weary as those comments were made during a joint nuclear exercise between russia and belarus. Officials say it is not cynical to distrust russia's sincerity when it comes to negotiations but rather a practical necessity. For citynews, I'm karling donoghue. >> Brandon: a new report from quebec's language watchdog shows a decline in french usage among young people. >> Reporter: a new report shows the use of french is on the decline among young people in the province. A 152-page report by the oqlf, quebec's language watchdog, shows the level of french spoken outside the home is often below the provincial average, among 18 to 34-year-olds in montreal. >> Before it was 50/50. I think now it's getting more anglophone. I think a lot of people speak french but in the home more english, I think. >> Downtown probably more english, I think because it's more diverse, but I do hear french a lot too.

>> Reporter: the report says young people are more likely to favour english or a mix of english and french at work and in shops. 58% of quebecers in 2023 between 18 and 34 years old used french almost exclusively at work, compared with 64% in 2010. The report also shows that enrollment in english cegeps is on the rise and that more than half of young quebecers prefer using english on social media platforms. "each person speaks the language they want to speak. The most important is what language you understand." in montreal, the use of french outside the home drops to 60% and in gatineau, it drops to 63. Jack jedwa from the association for canadian studies says the findings are not surprising. >> The fact there's a lot more mixing and interaction between anglophones, francophones and allophones in montreal and gatineau and that's an inevitable reality. >> Reporter: last month, quebec announced it will be spending over $600 million to promote the french language with more than half the money going towards helping newcomers learn french. >> Immigration is going to change the demographics to the extent that the vast majority of immigrants coming to quebec are persons whose first language is neither english or french. You're seeing a renewal of that phenomenon, so over time, there will be some stability, but al allophones speak french to a reasonable degree. >> Reporter: the province's french language minister says the report doesn't take into account recent changes that strengthen the french language charter but adds "if we have to go further, we'll do." >> Yes, there's a decline to some extent, but there's still a lot of people speaking french in montreal. >> Reporter: in montreal, swidda rassy, citynews. >> Brandon: coffee, it's the most popular drink among canadians, but it might soon cost you a little more the next time you order a hot or iced latte. The price of the specialty drink are on the rise according to data collected by technology company square. >> We looked at thousands of coffee shops on square's platform in canada and found the average price of a latte is about $5.19 now in canada, up about 5% over last year. Now, that actually is outpacing the overall rate of inflation in canada, which last month was to be about 2.7%. >> Reporter: while the price of a latte has went up, here in ontario isn't the most expensive place to grab a cup. >> The highest price was in yukon where latte was 6.50 on average. I think this makes sense in many ways, rural areas both have a higher operating cost, both supply the actual coffee or product to customers. It's not just coffee shops. But you're going to see that specifically reflected in the cost of labour and hiring. >> Reporter: with the rising cost of inflation, many businesses including coffee roasters have adapted their business model to meet the demand. >> I started this company in 2018 and I've had several cafes and my natural progression from that was to start to roast coffee, but I've been in coffee for about 20 years now and I just wanted to get closer to the coffee sourcing and roasting and doing wholesale for cafes in toronto. >> Reporter: he hasn't seen anyone get hot over an increase in the price of his roasts but also says maybe this increase isn't enough. >> I haven't seen anybody get upset about the price of a latte, and in my opinion, the price is still low. I think the price of a latte is one of the best deals out there. The price of coffee? General, and I think it could go up more. I think it should go up more. I think we're around just over $5 on the average for latte. I'd be happy to see it go up to $6 or $7. I think the problem is people only see the finished product and don't know the work that's gone in to making the coffee, particularly from farm to cup. People have no problem paying 8, 9, 10, $11 for a beer, but I guess because they're used to paying so little for a coffee that any jump seems like a lot. >> Reporter: the price of a standard cup of coffee has also increased by about 1.5% in canada. Despite all this, officials tell citynews that coffee culture in canada is alive and well with an increase of sales by more than 40%. In toronto, I'm brandon rowe for citynews. >> Reporter: an absolutely wild game between the blue jays and tigers. Bottom three, it's 4-nothing detroit when spencer torkelson

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