
CIHF - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 05:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #8

several at risk wildlife species . A group of new brunswickers spent their weekend in the woods with their chainsaws, all in an effort to serve their communities. Global's anna mandin has more on this one. >> Warning trees were harmed in the making of this video. It's all for a good cause. Disaster relief organization team rubicon held a chainsaw workshop this weekend. >> Chainsaws are used in many disasters, hurricane fiona being one of recent memory, it's a great tool to open routes so that fire, ambulance and other emergency services can get through. >> With a background in construction, team rubicon member rob emond travelled from P.E.I. to learn chainsaw skills. It's just to be able to help somebody out. >> The time of need. >> All the participants are volunteers hoping to use their skills to serve their communities. This weekend they're tidying up trees for camp maple leaf, which is for children of military members. That's fitting because team rubicon is veteran led. >> Team rubicon is open to veterans, emergency responders and, wonderful civilians. It's, anybody that has a need and a desire to serve others is very welcome. >> Amanda mcdonald is from cape breton. She works with veterans and joined team rubicon for some camaraderie with her clients. She's hoping to take the skills she learned for storm cleanup in her home community. >> You got to rush from it, and, you just feel accomplished when you can actually do something that makes a difference. >> It's not just sawing participants are taught first aid and chainsaw maintenance. It's all important when handling unique disaster situations. >> We're dealing with trees that are fallen, perhaps broken off, laying on top of each other. So it can be fairly complex cuts. >> Team members are preparing to take the skills they learned home with them, change anna mandin "global news" green hill lake, new brunswick. >> And let's say good morning and happy monday, I guess to ross hull. Good morning ross. >> Happy monday paul, I know you're an avid biker. I was able to get out there over the weekend, which was great. It's always nice to be able to do those types of things that we enjoy over the weekend. And it wasn't necessarily biking, but it was walking that you were up to yesterday. >> Yeah, exactly. I was in lower sackville for the annual ms walks, so thanks to all the volunteers and organizers and the walkers who took part in nearly 200 walkers, ross and almost $80,000 raised for, you know, hoping for a future to end. Ms. So it was a real positive, powerful experience. So a great time in lower sackville at a beautiful park called acadia park. And the rain just started when the walk ended, so that was a pretty good timing. >> I'm happy to hear. And I of course I made sure that was all the way unfolded. Paul, I'm glad that you got the event in without a major downpour, and we're going to stay mainly dry across the area today. We do have some wet weather though in the forecast. More towards tomorrow, and I'll talk about that in a moment as we take a look at a wider perspective. You can see relatively quiet. Sure, some mist and fog for some this morning that should clear out, although I do expect us to be into mostly cloudy conditions by the afternoon as that disturbance starts to advance. But a closer look is seeing not much going on when it comes to precipitation. A southeast wind. Currently, we'll get into a bit more of a southwesterly wind over the next 24 hours or so, and we're starting off with temperatures in the high single digits, low double digits for most, although we're in the mid single digits this morning around places like sydney. Good morning to you. There as we look at your forecast conditions today, 13 to 15 degrees around the hrm 17 is the normal or average high. So a little cooler than average. We'll get up to the low 20s high teens as we head through most areas in new brunswick. So let's take a look at how it works. There's the cloud cover this afternoon. Then we're watching out for this boundary that's going to move through, bringing the potential for some showers. Some thunderstorms could be some heavier downpours with this of course we do need the rain. It's been quite dry, but we don't need heavy rain in a short amount of time, so we'll have to watch out for that. Most of this now should clear out by wednesday, and then there will be the chance of more showers developing at times next week. Rainfall amounts at this point look to be in the 15 to 20 millimeter range for most, although locally this could be 25 plus millimeters if we do get into those heavier thunderstorms . So unsettled tomorrow. High of 19 in fredericton then we see temperatures rise back up with sunshine 23 on wednesday into the high teens thursday and friday. Low 20s for this upcoming weekend. Wet weather on tuesday for the hrm 20 on wednesday. The chance of some showers on thursday. At this point, though, looking ahead to the weekend, temperatures ranging just around average at 17 with a sun cloud mix. And that's a look at ok tire weather . Total pollen counts are high across the area on this monday. Bit of a change in terms of what the high counts are, though. This morning is for pine, fir and spruce.

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>> Yeah, I'm are your parents saying? Yeah it was it was divided. >> I called my dad, took my dad, he fought, rishi sunak idea was good, but my mum and my mum for all of us, I really don't want rishi sunak to win after after especially hearing about what he's done with this now as well. >> I don't want him to win. >> It's 64 years since britain has had national service. But with the governing tories far behind in the polls, this could be seen as a hail mary pass to appeal to disillusioned voters. 80 year old peter lyons remembers his uncle being called up to serve. He says the plan is a reflection of global instability. >> They suddenly woken up to the fact that the british armed forces are not anywhere near prepared to fight a war anywhere. >> Former social worker steve outterson believes it's purely election politics. >> I think it's a gimmick, you know, it will never see the light of day. I think it's just clutching at straws. I think if you really care about young people's welfare, you would invest properly in education. >> The idea is far from unique in europe. Many peaceful nations have forms of mandatory military service, among thema, finland and switzerland. Redmond shannon. "global news" london. >> 12 people were injured by severe turbulence on a qatar airways flight from doha to dublin. It happened while flying over turkey. The plane, a boeing 787 dreamliner, still managed to land safely as scheduled, but passengers on board say the turbulence lasted less than 20s and occurred during food and drink service. This incident follows similarly severe turbulence on a singapore airlines flight nearly a week ago, where dozens of passengers were injured and a man died of a suspected heart attack. A graphic artist who designed tragically hip themed canadian travel posters has caught the attention of the band. As jay durant explains, these posters are now being sold across the country. >> A little background music for inspiration. Graphic artist john sable island is creative partner. Adam rogers came up with a unique idea to showcase their client mitchell presses capabilities. >> It'd be kind of cool to do travel posters that were based on the tragically hip songs. >> Drawing from a classic canadian style, the finished products posted on social media quickly caught the attention of the kingston band, and they got a call from the tragically hip and said, wow, I don't even know about this project. >> Really interesting. Maybe we can talk about it now. >> The complete set is being sold on the hips website. On their 40th anniversary, a hip trip around canada incorporating some hidden nuggets from those well known lyrics. >> Weathervane jesus. At the top of this, we have ry cooder up in here, singing his eulogy could have been the willie nelson, or it could have been the wine. I probably went through their whole catalog. We actually ended up hiring a writer to help us with that, because we really wanted it to have like a over the top sort of advertising feel to the writing. >> This is not bilal's first tragically hip themed work. He created a commemorative poster for rogers arena during the farewell tour in 2016, back when he was more of a casual fan. >> I probably had 2 to 3 albums and now I probably, you know, I listen to them all the time, shake it. Now that I write with my hands. >> Teddy john's also an instructor at the wilson school of design. From this project that's quickly taken off. There's a lesson here that he will continue to share with his students. >> You're going to get overwhelmed by the software and the technology and all of those things. But at the end of the day, it's all about imagination, and it will be the one thing that will keep you in the industry. >> Jay durant "global news" >> And that's what's making national and international news for this monday, may 27th, you're watching "global news" morning. We'll be right back. Announcer: Thursday... We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) 9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. ( ) Make room for more fresh ingredients. Say to goodbye to less-than-fresh take out. Say hello to home made and delicious. HelloFresh, home cooking made easy. ( ) Pure Leaf is the perfect balance Of real brewed iced tea and the delicious taste of real fruit flavours. The lemon flavour you love

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