
CIHF - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 05:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #4

ross. And that's a look at your local news headlines. We'll step aside get a check on national and international news on this monday edition of "global news" morning. Thanks for watching Three renovation teams... ...renovate threebeach houses... ...with a little helpfrom three pros. (Announcer says words on screen) Sometimes the difference between a summer road trip and the road trip of the summer is an ice cold drink from McDonald's. Like a Small McCafe Iced Coffee or a refreshing Coca Cola for $1 plus tax. Step up your summer today. (Relaxing music) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Book in the app to find your perfect somewhere. ( ) Interrupted by dry eyes? Get fast-acting relief with hydraSense eye drops. ( ) Made with a naturallysourced lubricant. hydraSense eye drops. The Ferrero Rocher chocolate bar. Crunchy hazelnuts, smooth chocolate, creamy filling. Make any moment worth celebrating. Ferrero Rocher. Here's Liz. Whose bladder leaks drop in uninvited. But instead of period pads, she brought Poise Ultra Thin. So she can bounce on. With clean, dry and fresh protection from Poise. When it comes toremodeling your bath, there's fact and there's fiction Fiction: It's too expensive toremodel your bath. Fact: With Bath Fitter's tubover tub process, and hundreds of design options,you'll get the bath you want to fit your budget. Fiction: Bath remodelstake forever and tear the house apart. Fact: Bath Fitter installationtakes just one day to fit your schedule. Get the bath that fits you. Bath Fitter. It just fits. Go to that BathFitter.comto book your free consultation. Announcer: What is StackTV? You guys are gonna wanna see this. Ha-ha! It's a streaming service that bundles the biggest channels and hottest shows together for one low price. Woo! That is StackTV. >> Hello. And thank you for joining us on this monday, may 27th, I'm antony robart. Here's a look at your national and international headlines. The death toll from severe weather in the southern united states has now risen to 18. Powerful storms left a wide trail of destruction across texas, oklahoma and arkansas. The worst damage was seen in a region spanning from north of dallas to the northwest corner of arkansas. The governor of kentucky declared a state of emergency early this morning, citing multiple reports of wind damage and tornadoes. Now, forecasters say the greatest risk for weather will shift to the east today, with severe storms expected anywhere from alabama as far as new york city. Days after britain's prime minister rishi sunak triggered an election, the momentum isn't getting any better for his governing conservatives. They are trailing more than 20 points behind the rival labor party in opinion polls. Now sunak says he will bring back mandatory national service if reelected next month. The plan involves 18 year olds choosing either to enlist in the military or perform community work. But the proposal could remain just that. If sunaks political fortunes don't improve, redmond shannon reports. >> And we will have a general election on the 4th of july. >> The timing of rishi sunak drenched election call surprised many, as has his first big campaign announcement. >> We will introduce a bold new model of national service for 18 year olds. >> The plan would see teens choose between a year in the military or complete 12 weekends of community work across a year. The vast majority would do the latter. Sunak claims it would help society and national security. These 16 year olds, who can't vote yet, could be among the first to be enrolled. >> Yeah, I found it on tiktok in the morning and my parents were speaking about it. Yeah I'm. >> Are your parents saying? Yeah, it was all was divided. >> My dad took us. My dad, he fought, rishi sunak idea was good. But my mum, my mum of us,

I really don't want. >> Rishi sunak to win after after especially hearing about what he's done with this now as well. I don't want him to win. It's 64 years since britain has had national service. >> But with the governing tories far behind in the polls, this could be seen as a hail mary pass to appeal to disillusioned voters. 80 year old peter lyons remembers his uncle being called up to serve. He says the plan is a reflection of global instability. >> They suddenly woken up to the fact that the british armed forces are not anywhere near prepared to fight a war, anywhere. >> A former social worker, steve outterson, believes it's purely election politics. >> I think it's a gimmick. You know, it will never see the light of day. I think it's just clutching at straws. I think if you really care about young people's welfare, you would invest properly in education. >> The idea is far from unique in europe. Many peaceful nations have forms of mandatory military service, among them denmark, finland and switzerland. Redmond shannon. "global news" london. >> 12 people were injured by severe turbulence on a qatar airways flight from doha to dublin. It happened while flying over turkey. The plane, a boeing 787 dreamliner, still managed to land safely as scheduled, but passengers on board say the turbulence lasted less than 20s and occurred during food and drink service. This incident follows similarly severe turbulence on a singapore airlines flight nearly a week ago, where dozens of passengers were injured and a man died of a suspected heart attack. A graphic artist who designed tragically hip themed canadian travel posters has caught the attention of the band. As jay durant explains, these posters are now being sold across the country. >> A little background music for inspiration. Graphic artist jon bellion and his creative partner , adam rogers came up with a unique idea to showcase their client mitchell presses capabilities. >> It'd be kind of cool to do travel posters that were based on the tragically hip songs. >> Drawing from a classic canadian style, the finished products posted on social media quickly caught the attention of the kingston band, and they got a call from the tragically hip and said, wow, I don't even know about this project. >> Really interesting. Maybe we can talk about it now. >> The complete set is being sold on the hips website. On their 40th anniversary, a hip trip around canada incorporating some hidden nuggets from those well known lyrics. >> Weathervane jesus. At the top of this, we have ry cooder up in here, singing his eulogy could have been the willie nelson, or it could have been the wine. I probably went through their whole catalog. We actually ended up hiring a writer to help us with that, because we really wanted it to have like a over the top sort of advertising feel to the writing. >> This is not bilal's first tragically hip themed work. He created a commemorative poster for rogers arena during the farewell tour in 2016, back when he was more of a casual fan. I probably had 2 to 3 albums and now I probably, you know, I listen to them all the time. >> And now that I've got my hands steady. >> Jon's also an instructor at the wilson school of design from this project that's quickly taken off. There's a lesson here that he will continue to share with his students. You're going to get overwhelmed by the software and the technology and all of those things. >> But at the end of the day, it's all about imagination, and it will be the one thing that will keep you in the industry. >> Jay durant "global news" well done. >> And that is what's making national and international news. You're watching "global news" morning on this monday. I'll see you in a little bit. Paul is back right after this. Don't go away. Announcer: Thursday... We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) 9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream. Oh my gosh. Wow, who am i? Wow, is that really me?

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They're backed by the bestwarranty in the business. 15 years on some models! Andbest of all, Novair heat pumps qualify for rebates up to80 percent! See if a heat pump is right foryou. Call Ace Heat Pumps today! Little Caesars New Crazy Puffs kd Mac & Cheese No way! Yes way! Stuffed with our favourite ooey gooey mac & cheese - For real? For real! Get out? Here for- a delicious time, not- a long time! Cheesy! Cheesy! >> You're watching "global news" morning. >> Hey, welcome back to "global news" morning. Well, with spring and summer in full bloom, our neigbourhood streets are busy with people out and about enjoying the warmer weather. And so halifax regional police is out as well. They're encouraging everyone to do their part, our part now to safely share our roadways around town, from motorists to cyclists to pedestrians. We do all have a part to play in all this, so it's a good time to get a refresher on some of this stuff. How to stay safe. So let's welcome in hrp public information officer constable john macleod is joining us. He never speeds. He always wears a seatbelt. He never texts and drives. >> That's the plan. >> The safest driver in all of hrm. >> Good morning. Certainly when I'm in uniform, that's for sure. That's right. >> So listen, just to kind of a refresher, what's kind of an overarching theme you have for kind of all these subsets here motorists, cyclists, pedestrians. Before we get into a little bit on each. >> Well really it's about, you know, observing those rules. You know, being patient, taking a little extra time. We know that this time of year there's going to be lots of people out on the road with the good weather brings out, you know, kids, cyclists, people that may not be using those modes of transportation. Again, tourists, lots of people to our roadways. So we hope everyone gets where they're going safely. >> Yeah, exactly. So let's talk about motorists first. What are some of the things that you see on your checklist of what you'd like to remind motorists of during these months? John >> Well, it's the things we would remind them of all year long. But really this time of year, we know there's extra things and extra distractions. You know, it's just that to if you can avoid distractions and other things while you're driving, you know, take your time, be patient, avoid, you know, trying to get where you're going in a hurry. Like I say, speed is something that is an issue throughout hrm. And I say we certainly want people to slow down and get where they're going safely. We do have our officers out there. They are watching for people that are going too fast. So, you know, certainly you don't want to take it either. But more importantly, it's about getting where you're going safely. >> What about being distracted by devices and other things going on within your vehicle? How big an issue is that for you? >> Well, again, it's safety both for you and the vehicle. And those people that are that are around you, whether they're cyclists or pedestrians, certainly it's important that you're not distracted. You know, we I think very often we take driving for granted. We think it is a task that we do every day and we get very comfortable with it. But, you know, there are big responsibility as you are driving a vehicle that, you know, could cause injuries. So if you're looking at your cell phone, you're not looking at the road, and that's going to be a problem for everyone. >> All right. Over to cyclists. And the last I can talk about collisions with cyclists on the news the better. As I am a road cyclist myself, right. How can they stay safe? >> And that's the thing. So, you know, knowing that people may not always be tension paying attention for you, it's important for you to take things into your own hands. Make sure that your your cycle for example, is where you want it to be. You know, it's in good repair. It's and you're going to be safe and you're going make sure you've got your lights, equipment, all those things so that you can be seen. It's important that you follow the rules of the road as you would. You can say you're expected to follow the same rules of the road as a motorist would. That makes you more predictable. Again, easier for traffic to know what you're doing. The same thing is if you're travelling along to make sure that you signal your intentions, whether you're turning left or right. Stopping again if motorists know what what to expect from you, they're much less likely, you know, to cause injury or cause problems. And you, being a

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