
CHRO - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #15

>>maybe he's lost. >>he doesn't look very lost to me. You know, on the other hand, maybe he's got more sense than we do. (hobo barks) >>could be. Let's get out of sight. >>thanks, friend. ...and right now, we need one. I never thought it would be the four-legged variety, but on behalf of the two most wanted people in town, ...hi. (hobo barks) >>i don't believe what I'm seeing. Are you sure you want these? "sophie" shortcakes are just as good, and they're on sale today. I went to a circus when I was a kid. They had a dog act that jumped through flaming hoops... But this I have never encountered. Oh, good, you found them. That'll be $6.75. (hobo: grrr-woo-oooo) oh. Five... Six... Seven. Alright? Have a good day. Tomorrow it'll be a polar bear with a credit card. [tv]>> We now go to city hall, where mick jefferson is speaking to the mayor. [Mayor]>> No, I will not let my son marry the conrad girl. Could anyone let their son marry a conrad girl? [Mr. Jefferson]>> But mr. Mayor, isn't it true that you and mrs. Penelope conrad were once sweethearts? [Mayor]>> Now listen son, if you go around making irresponsible statements like that, I'll find a place for you in the city jail. [Mr. Jefferson]>> Earlier today, I spoke with mrs.penelope conrad at conrad manor on the west side of town. [Mrs. Conrad]>> I'd rather my daughter become a cocktail waitress than a montgomery. If the mayor's son does not leave her alone, I'll take after him with a shotgun. [Mr. Jefferson]>> But isn't it true that you and his honour... [Mrs. Conrad]>> If you even suggest that I've ever had anything but contempt for mayor montgomery, I'll take after you with a shotgun, too! [Mr. Jefferson]>> This is mick jefferson, from mrs. Penelope conrad's country cottage. >>she's got no right to do this to us! We're old enough to get married, we're not breaking any law! >>"right" doesn't come into it,'s money that counts. And between your mother and my father, they have enough of it to buy anything they want. What they want right now is that we

do not get married. >> There's got to be some way we can beat them. I mean, we've got the licence. >>and I've got the ring. All we need is... Wait a minute! Who is the one person who can't turn us in for the reward money? [ding-dong!] >>yes? >>we want to get married. >>of course you would. They're here! >>you come with us peaceful or otherwise. What's it going to be fella? [hobo: wruff-wruff! Ruff-wruwff! >>good afternoon, miss. Penny, it's nice to have you home. >>i wish I could say the same. >>master chester, how are you? >>i've had better days, thank you. >>i'm sorry to hear that, sir. Madame will see you in the drawing room. Now gentlemen, if you'd take up your positions outside the house. Miss. Penelope, madam, and master chester montgomery, jr. >>mother, how could you? How dare you. You have no right to do this, mother! I'm old enough to run my own life. You treat me like a criminal, send detectives after me! What did I do that was so terribly wrong? I've never been so humiliated in all my life. >>that is quite enough, young lady. You inherited your father's latin looks, but along with them, the latin lack of self-discipline. Go to your room. >>well, I'm not finished. >>you certainly are, penelope. Go to your room. Stand right where you are young man! Bellows, please dismiss the rest of the servants, and take the rest of the day off yourself. >>yes, madame... Thank you very much. >>i hate to air domestic unpleasantness in front of the servants. ...and I suspect penelope and I are in for a great deal of unpleasantness until this matter is settled. >>we're going to be married. >>my dear young man, that is unthinkable! Now, get out of my house and out of penelope's life. >> I'll get out of your house, but you haven't seen the last of me. Hey, friend! How did you get here? C'mon will you, I wanna' leave! (wrowf! ) you're right, I don't want to leave, not without penny. I changed my mind. >>you mean you will stay out of penelope's life? >>i mean I'm not going to leave your house. >>i beg your pardon? >>...not without penelope. >>what is this? >>this is what you call a "sit-in". (female voice) a breast cancer diagnosis changes the life of every woman in a heart beat. Kelly's Boutique together with the innovation, knowlege and collaberation of heath care professionals & providers like Amoena can help renew your confidence and self asteem with longerie, activewear & swimwear designed to give women back their shillohette. Contact Kelly's Boutique to arrange an appointment with your personalized certified fitter. Amoena. The global leader in breast care products available at Kelly's Boutique Are you looking for a place to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature from the comfort of your own home? Look no further than lifestyle home products Sun rooms. Our sun rooms are designed to bring the outdoors indoors, creating a serene and calming environment perfect for lounging, reading or spending quality time with your family. So why wait? Transform your home into a tranquil oasis with a lifestyle Sun room Call or Click today to schedule your free no obligation, quote, and let us bring your vision to life. [Jingle ] top hat does it all for you. Duct cleaning, heating and cooling too we do that, you better call top hat

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