
CHRO - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #10

soggy monday and up to 40 millimetres in the forecast for today and risk thunderstorm from 12 thirty to 5 today and it will like twenty eight with the humidity. >> Stefan: thank you. Offering travel culinary long tail with six course meal but music and entertainment to go with dinner hear about gaus hawes it travel chef an terry in-house sommelier. >> Good morning. >> Good morning >> Lots uni great experience but you telling me that you hold event and find he then to buy tickets and tell us about how this concept started. >> Cop tent start because found me. I was brick mortar restaurant last year because I am doing and then thinking about the over head an staffing issues after pandemic that stuff this kind of evolved in the event I put and it has growing popularity that very quickly I found niche but can and U.S. does this like and now we are point travel through north america and u.s./canada and south american evan long table and bring in talent and circus acrobats an arts and people buy tickets and we are sold out. >> Congratulations. It lack fantastic time and you say bring in talent, are you finding that talent locally or travel with people that you know? >> There are somewhere arn doing a show they introduced to my cast is my view up a cry my view to my cast so my back house front with terry laws we are old and fat. [Laughter] stop. Everything effing is circus a acrobat or so many melier, tra sgeez peez art not cook or serve plates they change and make event for guest while eating. >> I love we bring there real big music names past weekend we had larochelle and nominate for junos and contemporary album and our perform ar bring in latin super star and big names for event and that we do. >> >> Stefan: terry bring in the conversation but do pairings. >> Yes so wraps is let's say week or den days before, mike send detailed menu all six course and so take that menu and find wine match for every pairing. So my job to find wines make a perfect wine -- food paring. >> What make this morning? >> We made this morning at three in the morning for show. >> Tlaning for that. >> You are welcome. These all classic german mashed potato do notice with real potatoes and boil and match and we turn in donutss old recipe from after second world war ar potatoes are only thing back jim germ >> I and make potato bred but where in the use flower. We mashed potatoes and so assisting no restaurant per se to use here, I brought and some strawberries on top and put some maple sugar carmelize and some of the not finished do into that. >> Okay. Perfect. Wail you are chopping tell you about the concept every your goal or philosophy -- >> Thank you for remind. Me -- reality shows and. >> Don't get me start. >> It is toxic work environment. >> We don't that which is my biggest thing was seen kids I have been around chrefs an travelled world and I am trying create environment for young pee mail and mail serve that start in the industry bus we so. So many talent people that it is 2024, on ctv you won but the up with that -- but kitchen environment still taught that you to put with that and young kids leave. Immense talent bus lose it so I want to I set create environment where travelling to and we eat together and share accommodation together and we are family. Every time they join our family, first feedback after event like there is not what I expected because I like tem after work with them this. Big surprise. >> Stefan: we are close to the end of segment here and not rush but. >> Knots ready anyway. [laughter]

-- not ready anyway it. Tell us what difference to palate you use mashed potatoes or a do new. >> That's simple. You have difference in the palate and is that. [Laughter] that's difference in the palate. It is light and fluffy and respondingy. >> It is whole different ball game. People because potato and heavier and that stuff. That's not case. It is really light and respondingy and very flavourful. >> These are dangerous you can't have one bite. It is really dangerous. This is what it is. So maple and circuit donuts and they come thriving and -- dough is totally different. >> Stefan: look at that. Thank you for joining us smells delicious and oh, my goodness I am trying self discipline but thank you for joining us. >> You are very welcome. >> Thanks for having me. >> Everybody that lives here ar works here, have some donuts. It is french six course dinner and at lanark on may four. >> Four on may an four. Four tickets left. >> They go fast. Gleand at,s.t on >> Couple kingston having trouble get answers from their property manager about broken floor tiles if their apartment. Couple living in the building for two years and reached their break point this week. Jack richard son with more. >> These piece that's coming out which. >> Joel and his wife have had enough. >> Like stepping on lego. >> So one year, in regard tiles which manage by homestead land oldings is come undown and leaving holes in the floor of their dining room an spare bedroom. >> If I want to six my own problems I buy loam. Whole luxury renting is that you don't worry about that stuff. >> It is wet it makes come up more and comes in chunks. >> Break point came there week when misty that, five months pregnant, tripped and fell due to the unreason floor >> I fripd other day and our spare room an desk I fell in the corner and more stress than anything but freaked out. >> They want floor fixed and having severe impact their life an become more frustrating along it goes on an especially with the newborn baby on the way. They have contact property manager that acknowledge this is issue that need to be fixed and severe lack communication over last year. >> Cop done point we calm and ask when you feel we are at problem. Because we are brother hem. It seems that this company doesn't air about penant but moan. >> Loam steld not respond to ctv request for comment by deadline rent cost over four ten a month and they offered to fix the floor themselves and got denied for liability reasons. >> Sign something and I will do free if you provide flooring and it is no. No. He that's frustrating that I even offered. >> With baby still ridiculous and he have to fight to get it done we pay our bills on time. >> Chrachbs lifetime for ottawa athletes that getting to represent team canada at world junior ultimate championship in u.k.. In thely met with them on the field sewing off their skills. >> Is, it, and still social for she is talent young athletes. One dozen I will mitt frisbee players will join. >> I am very excited something like fam for long time and very excited. >> Top teams there and you can't get lem fete your nid they are an within three teams canada teams. Representing their country in the under twenty categories. >> The championship bringing together players from the world and representing more than twenty nations. >> Seven-year-old work 2024

goal for years. >> Ig I have been playing for about ten years >> My family has played ply parent played in league so introduced young. >> Question tiggs less that two months training is critical. >> Lots work out uni am out there playing with club this ottawa so get frisbee and we have training camp in ottawa. >> Peach player pays their own way to the U.K. and parents in the team are fundraising. >> Organize say cost of trip range from five to seven thousand dollars per player and make fundraising critical. >> Training fees to train camp an airplanes and to ticket go get on the west and then there is accommodation and food. Of course outside training they are asked to do as well. >> Bake good an plant sales took place sunday to help cause and athletes also ran skill session with the aspiring players. >> All steps to better big know. U.K. -- to get ready in the u.k.. A lot easier and easier to communicate with us. I love that. And especially the summer months I just love putting my hair up. It gets hot and humid. Steams I go with it curly and it turns in to a friz ball. This makes it easy. >> Melissa: the first one is the pony. >> We have five styles. We will show you four today. The first is the elevated pony. All of the styles, depending on hair texture, if you have shorter pieces around your face, they can all be modified. This is a basic style. This is jenna with the elevated pony. This is the kendal jenner. We are seeing a lot of red carpet. Selina gomez at cannes, she had her pieces out. Seeing a lot of bows this season. Bows are huge. And I just love how the pony looks perfect and seamless in one peace. >> Hers is a hollywood wave brushed out. You can play with it. Super straight, beach wavy. Lots of moderations. >> You can leaf pieces out. >> Melissa: the next one is a bun. This is neska. This is our relaxed bun. Aka boho bun. Loose bun. Just a way to describe the loose bun you want. We worked with the natural texture. >> Melissa: is this her natural hair? Beautiful. >> For our loose buns this season we are moving away from the boho tile with the braids that we were seeing for many years with the bridesmaid. We are not doing that anymore. It's more of a natural relax knot. For people who don't want to tight to the head. >> Melissa: and we have the beautiful curls. >> If you don't want that you can have it all back. Have it not parted. Lots of ways to change up it. This is a basic relaxed bun style. >> Melissa: I love it. Rocking it on the red carpet. This is one I also love. The happen half up. >> Times people don't want to show their whole neck. They want some hair around. This is the 2024 version fortunate half up. Super popular. You can mix it up. Have it looser. Have the texture at the back different. Curlier, straighter. And the bang. >> Michael: how did you do this? >> That is a little secret. It's in a pony tail. Remember the topsy tail. Fed it through. Flipped it over. >> Melissa: beautiful. I'm like how do you get the volume amps lot of hairspray. >> Melissa: and then wave or straight.

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