
CFRN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 07:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #7

the series now shifting to oil country. The team has the support of the hometown crowd behind them in rogers place and around ice district. >> This time of year is just an amazing place to play. I everyone on our team knows that everyone that's played in edmonton, you know, against us knows >> You see the people outside a new getting warmed up. You can see through the windows and it's just an amazing environment. You drive around the city. The flags are everywhere. We're excited to be back home. >> His first game plan is going to be going to be the we want to simple kind of get our legs into and get the home crowd behind us. >> Puck drop is at 6.30 doors to the outdoor watch parties open at 5 and you could, you can tune in tonight to catch all of the pre game action on ctv news at 5 and at 6. At least 3 stores are damaged after an early morning fire in southeast edmonton. Crews were called to a strip mall on not would road and mill woods road just after 2.30. The fire was called under control about an hour later, no one was in the building at the time and no injuries have been reported. Firefighters are still on scene. There is no word yet on a cause or damage estimate. The province's police watchdog is investigating after a police shooting in northeast edmonton. Police say a uniformed officer came across a man with a weapon saturday night at a gas station on 93rd street and one 44th avenue. The officer immediately called for backup. There was a confrontation and the officer fired. The man was taken to hospital with life-threatening injuries. Police say they found a suspected conductive energy weapon at the scene. Thousands of albertans want danielle smith in the ucp government to resign. Protests were held around the province on saturday. A number of groups spoke about changes to alberta's healthcare, education and affordability. People in attendance believe the ucp is changing how alberta's democracy works. >> The ucp government is a different kind of conservative government. They're beginning to display characteristics of an authoritarian government, quite frankly, when it comes to democratic processes, respect for institutions. So that's a big concern as well. >> Everybody's coming together and it's becoming a diversity is becoming a unification, which is awesome. And show that salt solidarity. >> The protest was organized by the group. Enough is enough ucp search and rescue efforts are underway in rafah after israeli attacks on a refugee camp sunday night. It's not expected to help israel's international reputation as it's already on a downward slide. Ctv national reporter colton praill joins us now know colton, what we know about this attack and its impact on international relations. >> Nicole international countries across the world responding to this attack that we saw yesterday. And all of this in the backdrop of the icj ruling friday that ordered israel to stop its offensive in rafah. They didn't do that. They continued. And what we saw this weekend was a strike in rafah in an area that has been designated gathering point designated humanitarian or area that ended up killing at least 45 people. According to the gaza health ministry. Now it's important to note that that is hamas-run, that doesn't separate civilian casualties from hamas fighter casualties. And there was numbers have been inflated in the past, however, they're putting up numbers of 45 killed 200 plus injured as a result of this strike video of the incident is, is quite frankly, devastating. There's in this tent encampments. The idf is now investigating the strike as a result of civilian deaths in the fires that are caused by this. Israel says it did it because it's an area where hamas is residing the say at least 2 hamas commanders were killed with what they say are precision munitions. But there is international outrage and that is the word that french president emmanuel macro used outrage over this strike, particularly in light of that icj ruling a number of countries calling on israel to respect that ruling to halt their offensive. Spain even going as far as to suggest there ought to be sanctions on israel as a result of this dismissal of the icj ruling of continuing their assault in rafah and the surrounding area, particularly given the amount of civilian casualties involved in the strike in the number of people who were hurt in the area. We're just days prior. Israel had directed a civilians in rafah to head towards city area. That actually issue pamphlets telling people to head in that direction is an area where they might be safe. And of course, the strike comes a few days later. It has had a significant ramifications. Eu foreign policy chief has spoke out against as well as spain. We've seen a number of others, micro turkiye, egypt all speaking out about this

as well. For their part, israel says the attack that just proceed this by a few hours where rockets were fired from rafah into tel aviv for the first time in about 4 months shows why they need to continue this assaults. No, no, and no israelis were injured in those attacks, but it is still a demonstration of that force. And they're saying that that's why they need to ignore the icj ruling. Continue this really what we're starting to see is a lot of western european nations starting to heads a little bit with israel over the icj ruling over this continued assault in rafah. Whether or not it's going to have a significant impact will really depend on the U.S. stance. And so far, they have more than willing to allow israel to continue that assault with minor adjustments to how it looks. >> Well, thank you so much. Cold 10 for that update that ctv's colton praill in ottawa. You need basketball training facility. The only one of its kind in canada is now open in the edmonton area. 2, 3, 60's first training centre is in sherwood park. It uses technology to teach players how to properly shoot pass and dribble. The owner says professionals are already using this technology, but now it's available for anyone. >> We've had everything from 8 year-olds to the stingers practising at our facility. We're working with clubs now we've got people coming as far as red deer to commit child can become the response of the product has been phenomenal. >> 2, 3, 60 has 55 locations mostly in the u.s., also in georgia and taiwan, another year of saint albert's longest-running festival is in the books. Music a midway and rodeo were all part of the rainmaker festival this weekend. Roughly 5,000 people were expected to attend. The festival is set up by the kinsmen club with all the money raised going to charity. Organizers say there's something for everyone. >> You can see lots of families. >> Enjoying the carnival games, a a lot of people who the country people like the rodeo and the horses the bull riding the, it's just a good time for all different people. >> Festival organizers are preparing for next year's 60th anniversary. Now many people have a love hate relationship with canada geese. The birds are extra territorial and aggressive to protect their goslings at this time of year. Miriam valdes-carletti has more on what to do when the appear intimidating. >> A familiar sight and sound you might encounter the spring admiration or maybe even fear are things you might feel when looking at these canada geese. >> If you really need to go down that trail with those in the dressing rooms. >> Just be ready. Dominic janus studies, the ecological impacts of canada geese. He says there was a drop in population in the 1930's due to unregulated hunting. 1994, the federal government created the migratory birds convention act, making it illegal to kill them or destroy their eggs. >> You know, the part of nature and there also 9 iconic species in canada and north america. >> Geese honk or make themselves look bigger when they feel threatened earning them the nicknames. Cobra chickens janus as making eye contact with the goose when walking by can help keep them away. >> I don't like use that hiss and stuff, but mostly they're pretty good to get out of the way. >> The federal bother them, they won't bother you. >> Honestly, there more psychologically dangerous if you're scared of keys, able to do any actual physical harm. >> Environment canada says many geese to gravitate toward urban areas to stay away from predators and hunters. Wildnorth rescue and rehabilitation says in the spring it's called to 7 or 8 rooftop rescues every day. >> So we're rescuing those goslings off the roof because the geese of pick this sort of I placed announced and we have to bring him down to the ground, reunited with her parents and send them on their way. >> Dale gienow with the rescue reminds people it's a short period of time when geese might feel sensitive with people nearby, their babies. >> I think you're in edmonton. We can actually really appreciative, they're beautiful animals and we just have to learn how to live with the property. >> Miriam valdes-carletti. Ctv news, edmonton. >> Now cory's here with a look at our weather and corey, it looks like the sun is shining behind you. >> Yeah, a beautiful start to the day. Nicole. It's nice and break into your sunglasses for your morning commute. A mix of sun and cloud, but the valley looking nice and bright. It looks like in some areas of the river valley. We do have a little bit of fog, but it shouldn't getting in the way too much of your morning commute. Looks like it is pretty isolated to some areas of the value, not throughout, which is nice. So take a look at our almanac for today. Average seasonal high is 21. We're looking for a high of

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