• NewsCanadian Press Videos

    Multiple people reported shot in northern Illinois in a 'mass casualty incident,' authorities say

    Multiple people have been reported shot Wednesday in northern Illinois in what authorities are calling a “mass casualty incident.”

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  • NewsGlobal News

    Tessa Virtue and Morgan Rielly advised to halt exterior paint job on house

    A renovation project at the home of two beloved Canadian athletes is under the microscope at Toronto City Hall, largely because it is a heritage home. Shallima Maharaj has more.

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  • NewsGlobal News

    Father of children found allegedly abandoned in Kingston speaks out

    Kingston police said an infant boy had been found dead in an apartment building in Kingston on May 31, 2024. His older brother was also in the apartment. The two had allegedly been abandoned by their mother, according to police.

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  • NewsGlobal News

    Earthquake study suggests the 'big one' could be much worse than expected

    Those living in the Pacific Northwest have been warned about the so-called 'big one' for decades. It's a super earthquake that would wreak havoc on coastal communities. It's unclear when the quake might hit, but as Richard Zussman reports, new research provides a much clearer picture of how big it c

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  • NewsKameraOne

    Dramatic collision: Seaplane smashes into speedboat injuring multiple people in Vancouver

    This is a terrifying moment multiple people were injured after a seaplane collided with a speedboat in Coal Harbour of Vancouver, Canada, on June 8. Two people suffered minor injuries and the speedboat driver was later seen in handcuffs after the accident.

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  • NewsGlobal News

    Canada's new capital gains tax: What you need to know

    Money expert Kelley Keehn simplifies the proposed changes to the capital gains tax and offers actionable advice. Learn what capital gains tax is, grasp the proposed changes targeting wealthy Canadians, and understand their potential impact on families. Plus, learn about practical steps to safeguard

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  • NewsGlobal News

    Poilievre, Conservatives vote against capital gains tax increase

    While a motion to increase capital gains taxes for the wealthiest Canadians easily passed the House of Commons, the Conservatives voted against the measure. Mackenzie Gray explains how Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre rationalized his vote, how the Liberals and NDP could use it as political ammu

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