• Reuters

    Canada raised foreign interference concerns with China, defence minister says

    Canada warned China against meddling in its elections during a rare meeting of the countries' defence chiefs, its defence minister said on Saturday. "I raised the concern of foreign interference in all the manifestations that it might take, including interference in our institutions, including our elections, but also actions of collusion against the Chinese diaspora in Canada, our citizens," Defence Minister Bill Blair told Reuters, referring to his conversation with Chinese counterpart Dong Jun. Canada's domestic spy agency said in April that China had interfered in the last two elections as part of an official probe into election meddling.

  • Reuters

    Thyssenkrupp can't afford delays over future of steel unit, chairman says

    Thyssenkrupp's chairman on Saturday defended a move to sell a stake in the group's steel unit to Czech billionaire Daniel Kretinsky against the will of worker representatives, adding the company could not afford to delay critical decisions. Powerful labour leaders at the German conglomerate, who hold half the seats on its supervisory board, are in open conflict with management, arguing they are being sidelined in Thyssenkrupp's efforts to sell its steel business TKSE. A plan to sell 20% in the business to Kretinsky could only be approved by the board because the vote of chairman Siegfried Russwurm counts twice in the event of a stalemate.

  • Miami Herald

    Ana Maria Rodriguez: We Florida Republicans have a key climate fix: Take on China | Opinion

    I have helped our Republican majority advance myriad bills that allow Florida to properly steward its natural resources | Opinion